I have several outside cams setup on Alexa routines to display on my echo show 8 with person detections. They work as I expect they should. The problem I have is they do not shut off without a voice command to Alexa to “stop”. I have tried to combine commands in the routine to no avail. Anyone in the community using this type of routine and can help or suggestions on how to get routine action to stop automatically once triggered? Thank you for your assistance.
Can you post screen shots of your routines with all actions visible so we know more about your setup? When asking about how your routine is working, it would be helpful to know exactly what your routines are. Thanks in advance!
It depends on what action command you are using to launch the video on the Echo Show. If you have already used the one Custom action command you are allowed within a routine, you will need two routines.
If you haven’t used any Custom action command, you can add a Wait action command for the amount of time you want the video to play and then add a Custom action “Stop” command for that device.
If you have used the Custom Action command to launch the video, create a second routine triggered by the same cam Person Detection. The first action will be a Wait action command for the time you want the video to play, the second will be a Custom action “Stop” command on that device.
Thank you for your responses. Since I have 8 cams with routines currently, I couldn’t see attaching and posting 8 screenshots. They are mirror images of each other except for the camera name.
On the other hand, SlabSlayer’s reply was spot on. The desired stop action is being achieved with the 2 action second routine, wait and command actions
I’m a Wyze happy camper. Kudos to the Forum Community for a same day turnaround.
I guess I’m having the opposite problem with my Echo Show5. It will show my cams when requested, via voice command and or Routines….However, they’ll eventually stop and revert back to default Echo Show screen…ala…time, weather, etc. Is there something that I need to set/ change to have it keep the camera showing after a voice/routine command?
Thxs for any help.
I recall reading here in the forum that the Alexa stream limit is 10m. I am searching for the user who came up with a way to maintain a persistant reload routine to refresh the live stream but I’m having trouble locating it.
If your stream is reverting at around 10m, you can add a Wait action command after your Custom “Show Me the Cam” command for 9 minutes and then add an identical “Show Me the Cam” command. Repeat these actions as many times as you like to get longer view times.