Wyze Automations

Dear Wyze Community?

I really want to use the Wyze Contact Sensor 2 in a situation where if it is open for a certain period of time I want to be notified or take some other form of action.

The Wyze app rules and actions are very limited.

Using IFTTT or Apple shortcuts simply doesn’t work, unless there is a way to do that, I haven’t found anything yet.

Is there a way that I can solve this problem easily?

Thanks for your help.

Simple? Do this:

Open the sensor → click on the gear icon to open settings → Click on “Notifications” → Toggle on “Is left open” set the duration it needs to be left open before it notifies you → Save

All done. Now you will get a notification any time that sensor is left open for whatever amount of time you set for it.

As for having it take another form of action, if you want it to do something with another Wyze device, hit the plus sign on the home page → Select Automations → Device and service trigger → Set the trigger to the device and “Has been open for” and set the duration → Save → Now set the action to another Wyze device’s action.

If you want it to do something with another device not owned by Wyze, you can use Alexa to do it. I’m partial to home assistant myself. There are tons of options if you use Alexa and Home Assistant, or even other systems like Hubitat.

At least the notification solution is simple though if that is sufficient for you.


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