Huh, Playback is smooth for me, just out of sync sound.
Haven’t had connection issues, either. Thank God for small favors.
I’ll be interested to see if 2.7.14 Beta improves anything for ya…
Huh, Playback is smooth for me, just out of sync sound.
Haven’t had connection issues, either. Thank God for small favors.
I’ll be interested to see if 2.7.14 Beta improves anything for ya…
Is it a net positive for you so far?
I completely uninstalled 2.6.42, rebooted my phone, and am currently running v2.7.377 test version. Connection issues are better (still have an occasional connection issue) and SD playback is better (except for audio sync) when it works (sometimes playback doesn’t work when using the SD “Playback” button from the 12-sec event video.) Also when I make changes in camera settings (notifications, detection settings, local recording, etc.), the changes don’t always appear to stick. For instance, I keep setting Local Storage to “Record events only”, but when I exit settings and check again later, the setting has changed back to “Continuous Recording”. Other settings are not sticking either. It’s doing this on multiple cameras (never had this problem before). Not sure which is worse – this or 2.6.42 which was unusable for me even after uninstalling, rebooting, and re-installing. Guess I’ll stick with this test version until something better comes along as I’m sick of messing with it now. Too bad I’ve wasted over half a day (literally) trying to recover from the “updates”. Thanks for help and tips guys!