Wyze App Cameras do not download to SD Card

I am starting to get the hang of what to do to use the Wyze cameras. I have a Wyze Cam Outdoor and a V3 that I am trying out. So far, I am thinking that I may get a couple more if they suit my purposes. The one thing that is a problem with both of them is that they only download to the tablet – not to the SD Card. My Google settings and tablet setting are set to default to the SD Card for all downloads. The Wyze app is the ONLY thing that does not follow this rule. As a result, my tablet internal memory fills quickly and I have to delete files before I can download more.

The camera stores all videos in the cloud for 14 days,if you are useing a sd card and have it all set up its also on the sd card,if you want to save a video longer than 14 days then you need to save it your device,which there is a arrow in the view recording, we only save recordings that need to be to law enforcement

I understand that I have to save it to my device. My issue is that the Wyze App downloads to internal device memory INSTEAD of downloading to the SD card. All other Apps I have download directly to the SD card. With the Apps I have loaded, the internal device memory is limited, but I have substantial space on the SD card. I have to download only one or two videos to the device memory, then move them from the device memory to the SD card before I can download more videos. Why does the Wyze App not download directly to the SD Card ?

Also, the Album only shows those videos that are in the device internal memory; NOT those on the SD card. There is not enough internal memory to keep all of the videos I want. That is why I want all videos saved to the SD card.

I don’t know your phone but I have 100s of wyze videos stored on my phone,the sd card was designed to do continuous or event events,it was been that way from day 1,also if someone steals the camera all events from day 1-14 are in the cloud,you need sd card to do time lapse, we currently use gigastone sd card in all 49 cameras at all sites,plus our service dept. Manages over 70 camera’s for customers…we went with wyze for many reasons and our customers just love how easy it is for them.

So the “sd card” you refer to is in your device? And you specifically want to save footage through the app to your device, but it defaults to the local memory and not the sd card in your device? Just verifying you are trying to not use the local storage in the camera itself or cloud storage features right when you refer to as card usage?

Yes the app default is to save footage that you want to download from the cloud or snippets of footage via the manual record from the local storage from the camera itself to the local.memiry on your device. There is currently no way to save elsewhere unless you use the share option to send the footage elsewhere.

You are talking about 2 different SD cards with 2 different purposes.

On the V3 camera, if you set the Advanced Settings > Record to MicroSD card > ON & Continuous, the camera will record to its internal SD card continuously. If you are set to HD resolution in the live view window and are using a 32 GB SD card, that will be about 3 days of 24-hour coverage. After that the camera will automatically overwrite the oldest files.

You access the V3’s internal SD card’s 24-hour coverage via the ‘Playback’ button below the live stream window when it is in portrait mode.

To save clips from the internal SD card’s 24-hour coverage, you would press the ‘record’ button below the Playback view. Then whatever you chose to record will be permanently saved to your second SD card, in the tablet.

You can also record from Live View and Event clips. Those also go to your tablet’s SD card. The SD card in the V3 is its own little island; it just captures everything 24 hours a day, and you have to use the Playback button to see what it recorded. From there you can save excerpts to your device.

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The recordings from playback and live DO NOT go to my tablet’s SD card. They go the the tablet’s internal memory.

Yes the preferred card is in the device, Since the app defaults to local memory on the tablet, then I will just have to keep moving it manually to keep the local memory available.

That’s correct, the manual recording snippets that you make from playback or live get saved to your devices (phone or tablet) internal memory.

I’m curious, what is your use case for downloading all this footage to your device? How big of a SD card is in your camera? How big of an SD card is in your device?

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