Wyze app 3.x - Additions and changes

That’s just wrong. It does the same thing with Automations. Then, guess what?! When I tap the Wyze icon to open the app again (yes, I realize it didn’t actually close the app, more like Android’s version of minimize), the app opens back up right where I left off! If this isn’t at least a partial argument for letting users choose their own Home tab, then I don’t know what is.

At the very least, though, if Favorites is the Home that’s being forced on everyone, then going :back: through steps we’ve already taken in the app should eventually lead us Home and not bye-bye.

Count me in on this one, too. Last in, last out, last on the list.

As far as the search thing goes, I definitely see the point there, and I wonder if the :mag: could be squeezed in between the :heavy_plus_sign: and the :bell: up top and be a global thing in the sense that it would allow a user to search Devices and Automations (especially since Automations still can’t be reordered!). I actually wouldn’t mind seeing a global search option at the bottom of the app, but it’s already five tabs across, so I don’t know where something like that would fit. I say this because I like Firefox for mobile, and it gives me the choice to have the address bar (and thus search) at the bottom, where it’s an easier thumb-tap.

Oh, yeah:

Add some kind of ordering feature to Automations!

Here are some things that have already been suggested for Devices but could also conceivably be added to Automations for sorting/ordering/filtering:

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