Wyze app 3.1 Beta Test 8/15/2024

That’s good to hear. Thank you for doing that! :smiley:

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Friendly faces is working again.

I’m on Pixel 8 Pro running Android 14. I’m not experiencing this issue with my V4 at all. No issues with the detection settings page.

I am, however, experiencing filter issues with the events tab. I cannot see persons or pets when I filter by those individually…even though there are definitely person and pet events when I scroll through the list with no filter applied.

Anybody else? Should I start a new thread?

Friendly Faces appeared to be working for a period of time but is not.

Android 14

Part 1. When going to accounts > friendly faces and clicking on a name that has had activity the app blinks then goes back to favorites.

Part 2. When looking at a cameras configuration, events and notifications, friendly faces just has a right arrow. Clicking on the arrow brings up a screen saying I should get cam plus. I have unlimited and this just appeared on this release.


I mentioned this issue as part of my response to the Detection Settings issue above, but I’m re-posting it here as it’s own entry to make sure it is seen:

I am experiencing filter issues with the Events tab. I cannot see Persons or Pets (or any events at all) when I filter by Person or Pet individually… even though there are definitely person and pet events to view when I scroll through the list with no filter applied.

ALSO, all of my V3 cams are very SLOW to load the Live View. My V4 and OG cams appear to be loading normally.

ALSO, if my V3 cams are supposed to have Smart Focus now, they don’t. Just a grayed-out setting for it within the More menu under the Live View.

These issues all started after I upgraded to Wyze beta app 3.1.0 (b535) on my Google Pixel 8 Pro running Android 14.

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I’m on beta 3.1.0 b535 on Android and lots of functionality just broke. My cams are set to show battery percentage in settings but now they are just showing the battery icon instead. In the cam live feeds themselves it no longer shows the recorded clips to choose from at the bottom of the live video, it just shows a button that says “All Events” that takes you to the events tab instead. Some of my videos are being maxed at 12 seconds even though I’m a Cam Plus Unlimited subscriber. From the auto-loaded stream of my Doorbell Pro in the favorites tab it keeps freezing after streaming for a few seconds, and to get the live view working again I have to tap on the camera and make it lead again. There was something else I noticed but that’s all I can think of for now. Not sure what changed over the last couple days but someone broke lots of stuff with this update because I was on the previous beta version and didn’t have any of these problems.

This! I noticed that it affects my three Wyze outdoor Cams (V1), which are NOT grouped. I used to be able to see the battery percentage on the Favorites tab, as well as the battery symbol. Now it’s just the battery symbol. Why did they take away such an obvious win?

One of the update notes for this version is “Optimized battery icon for battery powered cameras” so I’m assuming they didn’t mean to take away the percentage option since the setting is still there, but whatever they did to optimize the icons broke the percentage setting and started overriding our settings. I’m sure it’ll get fixed in a future update. You can still see the percent by clicking into the cam itself.

I am seeing connectivity issues that I didn’t previously. I have a group of FLP’s that will load normally on wifi but not on cellular. Worked totally normally before so it isn’t a router, access point, firewall issues. They will either get stuck on 3/3 loading live stream or “load” the stream but it’s an outdated thumbnail and it is just stuck there.

Log ID: unable to retrieve, it keeps failed to retrieve, please try again, over and over again



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I just saw an app update. The filters are now working! Way to go, Wyze…and thank you! :blush:

A small gripe…

Why add a fixed “Faces” filter at the top of the Events tab? Whether or not “Friendly Faces” is a popular feature (I don’t use it), the screen real estate in the filters section of the screen is very limited. As it is, I’m forced to manually select the “Pet” filter every time I restart the app. :expressionless:

The ideal solution would allow us to “pin” our preferred filter option in the spot currently occupied by the “Faces” filter.

I almost always use the Person filter or the Pet filter. I’m sure everyone has their own preferences. Why not allow us the flexibility to set up our own filters in a way that minimizes how often we have to set them up?

Does anyone else wish they could “pin” their 1, 2, or even 3 favorite filters?

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wyze App 3.0.5.x

I am testing on an iPad (5th generation) with iOS 16.7.8 and I don’t have this issue. Unable to test on an iPhone at this time.

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10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wyze App 3.1 Release Candidate & Floodlight Pro Firmware Beta Test 8/26/2024

And how did you turn it off please?