When I go to Event recording and go back to live view, the cam is frozen. We can see the bitrates changing but the time is frozen. If you step back to the first page, the cam stucks at step3. This is the same in grouping or not.
I also do not see any changes with the 3 pages listed as “redesigned” on my v3 or outdoor cams, so not sure what’s up with that.
1 bug:
In the notification page, (this may also apply to prod) it says at the bottom “you must enable event recording” even though it is enabled. This happens to all my cams.
EDIT: just realized that event recording thing means for the sound notifications, which I had disabled. Makes sense, but you may wanna make that more clear in the message.
Info text error:
On the notification page info icon, it says for person detection toggle: “We will notify you about any AI events you have enabled on your device.” Not sure if the person detection label just needs to be changed or what.
Thanks for the feedback on release notes. Some of the changes mentioned there regarding redesign are only released to a few testers since those are dependent on Firmware version.
In the official release, we will take a note to remove those from release notes until the feature is available for all the customers.
Just installed the new version 2.30.0(a7). The problem of the camera freezing when leaving Event Recordind is still present but in addition, instead of freezing 1 camera, it does it on the others. In addition, no need to go in Event Recording to make them freeze.