Wyze app 2.41 - 4/18/2023

I don’t know what version or model build of the Android OS you are running. As I stated, the options may be different based on these. But, it is an option in Android to change App Notifications tones. You just have to find the settings.

Notification sounds for wyze and other apps are totally customizable in Android 13


This only works (iOS) if we can actually hear the sound. My volume is set to the same level and I can’t hear it. Driving me bananas….

Give me the exact steps.

Thank you. The new tone is not hearable in a noisy environment… Please return it to the old tone, or better yet, find a way to allow us to change it.

I like the new sound myself vs the original.More in app options would be nice to keep it simple but happy with this for now.

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Concur. This was a terrible idea to implement all the sudden. As if our phones aren’t annoying enough these days… :roll_eyes:

I also value the briefest notification tone possible. When they’re disproportionately long, they’re just silly.

I would’ve preferred a robotic voice like the original Moto Droid going “DROOIIIID”, but saying “WYYYZE” instead… :smile:

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Not for this Wyze change

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I agree with you.

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Agreed. My phone is stuck at Android 10 and I’m not getting another until the fall.

The app settings within system settings only take me to the default notification tone of the phone.

Is there a way to simply turn audio notifications off in Wyze? I’ve been looking, but can’t find it. This is literally a problem to a solution that wasn’t needed.

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Have you done a Google search for instructions on how to Change App Notification Sounds for Android 13 or your specific phone model? I just watched several videos that walk thru the process.

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There isn’t any way to turn off the audio tone in the Wyze app without disabling the notifications altogether. :-1:

I have an Android 11 phone. I get to the WyzeMessage notification channel by long pressing the Wyze App icon then selecting App Info, Notifications. The Sound selection is hidden under the Advanced menu. When pressed, this brings up all the sounds I have saved and downloaded into the Notifications folder on the root directory. Default Sound is one of those choices if I wanted to use the default Android OS sound.

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On your android device (phone)
You can go into phone “Settings” and change it.

Settings >

Notifications >

App Notifications >

scroll to Wyze and tap >

scroll to bottom of the Wyze screen and tap

Notification Categories >

tap ‘WyzeMessage’

tap on sound

From there, you can modify the sound.


How do I change back to the original notification tone? The new tone sucks just as bad as the overseas tech support!
So IOS users are screwed…how thoughtful of WYZE!

I guess the fix is to throw away my iphone and switch to an Android phone, nice work WYZE!

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IOS users got screwed a long time ago ,by apple.
I have never owned an iphone so I can’t tell you how to change it
Don’t throw away your iphone it might be useful


if you have older version of Android it may be different , the simple way is.

Settings >


scroll to Wyze and tap >

scroll to bottom of the Wyze screen and tap

Notification Categories >

tap ‘WyzeMessage’

tap on sound

From there, you can modify the sound.

Years ago, after they forcibly removed my Blackberry from my hands, I got an iPhone 5SE. I have never used a phone for such a short period… Except for the failed Microsoft Enterprise Touch.

I have been on Android ever since and have never once looked back. One of the best decisions I ever made. Why would I pay twice to three times as much for a phone that lets me do half to a third as much personalization?


Thanks!!! I hadn’t quite gotten to the “tap ‘WyzeMessage’” part. Whew!

p.s. “Snappy” is the sound I use. Very subtle and unobtrusive, but enough.


This whole notification sound thing reminds me SO much of how our modern society operates.

You have the majority of people that never complain about the tone and the way it works, but a few people do complain, maybe 5-10% at most. The company decides it is a good idea to ensure the 5-10% are happy and decides to incorporate a change in hopes of pleasing them. Meanwhile, they simultaneously disregard the fact that over 80% of their user base was fine with the way things were. By the looks of this thread, they have upset far more than the 5-10% they were trying to accommodate.

Bud Light anyone?


Interesting twist here. I’ve got Android 10 on a Nokia 8v 5G UW handset.

I checked these settings yesterday (and again just now). There are (2) “WyzeMessage” items within my notification categories.

The top-most one has the “app provided sound”, while the instance below it still shows the phone’s default notification tone. Upon clicking the “sound” option in the top-most item, there isn’t actually an “app provided sound” in the list; the default notification tone is also selected there.

Kinda feel like this particular feature implementation without a shutoff valve wasn’t advisable… :man_shrugging:

EDIT-1: Good news. I’m able to change the “app provided sound” to another tone onhand and the Wyze app seems to be honoring that selection. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: