Wyze App 2.28, Wyze Cam v2/Pan Firmware, Wyze Cam Pan v2 Firmware Release

Do you think you need to create a new group with the new app for it to take?

Maybe , the color bulb is not in a group.
Iā€™ll let you know

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I just tried, ungrouped a couple of test white bulbs and tried to create a white bulb group with 2 strip lights - but no go.

Wonder what we are missing

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You beat me to it, I was just getting ready to munch some grindage

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Lately on the update page where it says you can leave the page and the update will continue, as long as you donā€™t close the app, well this doesnā€™t work. Every time Iā€™ve left the page, say to look at another camera, when I come back the update hasnā€™t even started and I have to start it and stay on that page or it wouldnā€™t download. Wyze please fix your software!

Hi. Sorry for the trouble. May I ask what is the LED status of that V2?

Well it works on my android just fine

I have indicator light turned off and it is up high outdoor.

I do not know the status for sure.

#bumpdateā€¦ Iā€™ve added pertinent info with the hidden agenda of pushing this topic #TTT

Have I got Jason 21271, I am new at this and not sure if what I am doing is working. I have a cam V2 it been working okay. The other day I could not see events and Wyse prompted me to upgrade firmware, I went from 4.9.71068 to Ever since then I have had issues. The camera does not record events, the 4 red (I assume they are the IR lights) are not working they always did. When I tap the app on my iPhone on the camera view it shows what I am looking at but when I place my hand in front of Camera V2 the movements are extremely slow. The Wyse firmware web site seems to be saying the releasing of is on hold but I got it. I was hoping I could go back to previous firmware because everything was working just fine. I am assuming all my errors I think it error 90 but could be wrong is all over the firmware upgrade in 6th Feb. Any advice you could give would be appreciated.

You need to do a hard power cycle on the camera and on your app you need to clear the cache out,once you have done all that then make sure your device os and app are up to date, then log out of app and then back in

Thanks for reply. I do appreciate it. I am no expert hence the below questions.

Any update on CAM V2 firmware Itā€™s on pause. I just paid for cam plus and then found out I canā€™t update the firmware to get the subscription. I would like cam plus detection. Any news when a update will be.

Okay done that I has 53.5 in cache not sure if that is an issue.
As I am in Melbourne Australia I will see how it goes tonight.

Yes I did clear the cache as you suggested, today my cam v2 as I had it on all day kept showing events evert 5 mins, this was plants moving in the veggie garden there was a slight breeze. It stopped recording events at 6:50 pm, at 9:00pm I went to the camera and noticed the 4 red IR lights were not on. I looked at app and noticed in advanced settings the toggle was off. Still having issue with my cam v2

FALSE AI NOTIFICATIONS: I am using 2.28.0 (a11) on iOS and iPadOS with Cam v2 and paid CamP,us. I have set the notifications for only Persons (thanks for making the two sets of AI settings easier to find). But I also get vehicle only notifications. Since the camera faces an alley that means lots of false notifications.

Iā€™m new to the forum but I have screenshots if needed.

This thread is designed to be about the updates to the firmware(s). If a post is unrelated to the updated firmware, then the Q&As are likely in a different thread.

Hi @mghoag. Sorry for the inconvenience. So, the issue was you received vehicle notifications but you set person notification only right? Could you please post a screenshot with timestamp about that event, and submit a log from that camera? Thank you so much.


I just submitted the log - ID 470984. I think Iā€™ve added screenshots of the notification and settings page. Time is CST.

If you need anything else please let me know. Thank you.

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Lucky you to have those individual toggles for AI notifications. I donā€™t have them even though the release notes say they were added and so do Wyzeā€™s public support documents! What camera are you using?