Wyze App 2.11 Released! - 6/10/20

Thanks for testing. On my iPad, it simply no longer works, within the same day or otherwise. My wife has an iPhone so I’ll have her test on iOS. Who knows, maybe the iPadOS build behaves differently. :thinking:

Edit: swiping between event clips works fine on my wife’s iPhone and is now working on my iPad as well, after restarting one misbehaving camera. Doesn’t make complete sense, but seems to be working nonetheless.

Is there an option to go BACK to the old way of viewing events? This updated version makes it much more time consuming for viewing events. You have to actually click to open the video in order to SEE anything. The images are too small on a phone so no longer makes it possible to just glance at them to see if any events need to be opened to view.
We have four cameras, pay monthly for the “longer than 12 second” event record which took away person detection which at least the old viewing main page images were large enough to SEE a person. PLEASE go back to the way it was or at least allow US to choose how we want our events screen to appear.

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So you all talking about the person detection that means you do not have/pay for the Complete Motion Capture and are you fine with the 12 second record then pause of (I forget how long) before it records again?

It’s not a choice.
Person Detection doesn’t work with Complete Motion Capture.
The cool down time is 5 minutes.

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LOL I don’t know how you deciphered what I wrote!!! I couldn’t even understand it when I read it back. Sorry and thanks for your response.


It was a guess. :slightly_smiling_face:


Has anyone had any lagging viewing issues recently? I can’t say for sure if it coincides with the app update or not? Every single one of my cameras lags and freezes every few seconds or so and also my event recording is not working properly. I have 4 cameras signed up for FMC but only 2 show up in my events tab. I have emailed support 2 times this week with zero replies. Maybe it’s just me but seems customer support is on permanent quarantine because it feels like nobody cares. They sure took my subscription money fast enough, why no response? Anyone else having problems? I even called my internet provider 2 times, they rebooted my routers and speed tested everything. They keep saying it’s not them. All my other wifi devices work perfectly with no hiccups! I just can’t seem to get any of my cameras to live stream properly anymore.

I’m having the same problem and it’s only with the Wyze cameras, I have 3 non Wyze cameras.

I also checked my event recordings and went to playback to get more than the 12 second clips and lo and behold the camera(s) didn’t continuous record!! I had no issue with this until after the latest update!

Ok so I went and bought a WiFi extender and now my cameras are not freezing and lagging anymore. Weird because before the update they worked perfectly buttery smooth! Now my only issue is that the events tab still doesn’t show any full motion capture for my parking camera. Everything else seems to be good now. Still, why no Wyze support after 2 previous emails they do not follow up at all! Very disappointed starting to think I should have gone with Blink cams.

Wyze app version 2.11.40 for Android.
This update has now created the need to restart my Galaxy S10 phone to view latest event(s) after receiving a new notification. I didn’t have this problem before the update.
Refreshing only shows the previously viewed event(s) from the day before. Also I can no longer open previously viewed events from the other days within the past week, only yesterday’s event(s). I’m not having this issue with my android tablet.

EDIT: I went ahead and deleted and reinstalled all four
cameras and will check the refresh function

It’s super annoying that I have to refresh and restart the phone every time I want to view event videos… also event videos very small.

Right. Mine are now working without powering off and on my phone everytime. I went ahead and deleted and reinstalled all four cameras which is a PITA.
I will think twice about updating their next release unless it resolves that specific issue!

I did that twice unfortunately it did not fix the issue

I beg to differ… All Apple here and when I scroll the screen down the option to ‘select all’ does its ‘Houdini’ disappearing act.

A bug…

I get that same message at times too… Cannot understand that.

I should have known better. After working fine for a few days I had to power off/power on the phone again to view my latest recorded events.
Wyze claims “bug fixes” as part of their app release updates, but for many of us they also seem to create new ones. Very irritating to say the least!

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Wyze manage to squeeze in the app with routines for two Personal Data collection vendors… Segment and ?? and works well.

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Same here… They seem to push things out that make existing (working) things quit… Pi#$%s me off to no end.