Will "AWAY" setting supersede schedule on Wyze Monitoring?

I’m very excited that we now have the capability to set a monitoring schedule! My question is: when I go away for an extended time and set my Wyze Monitoring system to “AWAY”, does that supersede the programmed schedule? Or will it still disarm at the next scheduled time? I really don’t want to have to delete or inactivate my schedule ever time I have to go “AWAY”. Thanks in advance.


I’d like to know this, too. I didn’t program any schedules and instead just change alarm modes manually for the very reason of not knowing how one affects the other.

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Did you get an answer to this? I came here to ask this exact question.

Update: I just tested this and stupidly, Away does NOT supersede Home or Disarmed. This is such basic functionality that I really hope Wyze fixes, otherwise schedules lose so much value by opening up such a glaring security hole.


Nope. Never did get a response!

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That really sucks! Wyze needs to fix this!

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Bump on this. Came back from vacation and was surprised to see the alarm has already disarmed (I have a schedule set for Home mode at midnight and Disarmed at 6 am). Please make the Away supersede the schedule.


Yep, bump again. “Away” should be sticky, overiding any schedule.


A question for those using schedules … I don’t use them for this very reason and because I can’t stick to a schedule anyway… But, when the schedule changes the state of the alarm, do you also get a notification of an alarm state change… Like you do when the keypad changes the state? Is that programmable?

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That’s a good point and great question. No app notification. Only audio notification from the base station.

Yep! It’s been six months since I’ve posed this issue and no word yet from Wyze on a fix.

Any updates on this from any of the Wyze Wizards?
@WyzeJasonJ @WyzeJimmy @UserCustomerGwen @Kenny

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Hello @Jspot
The forum for the most part is a user to user community and Wyze did not always see a whole lot here. I am new to the Wyze Team and trying to make it so we have more eyes in here on a regular basis. I will work on getting this some attention and see if I can get a response.


Did we ever figure this out?

Nope! A year and a half later and I’m still frustrated by having to manually turn the schedule off anytime I am “away” for an extended period. The logic is common sense and I’d imagine that it’s an easy fix. Not sure what the issue is, but it’s annoying.

I have the Wyze Thermostat and it has a “Hold” feature that will pause all schedules and hold the current state when pressed. The addition of a Hold button in the HMS would satisfy this need.

A user submitted a Wishlist request asking Wyze to add this functionality in the monitoring schedule. You can follow the link below to support the request by voting at the top, liking :heart: posts, and adding your own post in reply.

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Bump on this thread.

This is a critical functionality that when I am away I want all cameras on, but my schedule turns cameras off when I am home.

Really hoping to see Wyze correct this.

Welcome to the Wyze User Community Forum jordanmandernach! :raising_hand_man:

If you want to support the addition of a vacation “Hold” feature to the HMS Schedules, please follow the link in my last post and vote, like, and post comments there.

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Jumping in on this thread. This has been a huge annoyance ever since purchasing the home monitoring system. As stated above, this leaves a huge hole in the security system every time I leave and forget to deactivate the schedules. Wyze, please fix this.

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Absolutely a vital feature. Then you need not disable certain named camera schedules when you go away so cameras never shut off.

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