Why does Wyze app Require Location for Blutooth conection

Every time I enter the Wyze app to adjust something with the headphones it requires that location be turned on. If I deny this, it brings up a screen that says, “You must allow Location permission to pair”. This is a HUGE invasion of privacy. There is no need for location service to be allowed to pair bluetooth.

I’m assuming that you are using Android. Android requires you to enable location permission because an app can determine your location by scanning with bluetooth. It is a system wide requirement for the app to request that permission if it wants to use bluetooth. It is NOT specific to Wyze apps. I’m a developer and I have seen other customers complain about it when we used bluetooth in our apps.

Here is a link to the developer documentation for Android that states that you must request location permission. Bluetooth permissions  |  Android Developers

Target Android 11 or lower

If your app targets Android 11 (API level 30) or lower, declare the following permissions in your app’s manifest file:

  • [ BLUETOOTH ] is necessary to perform any Bluetooth classic or BLE communication, such as requesting a connection, accepting a connection, and transferring data.
  • [ ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION ] is necessary because, on Android 11 and lower, a Bluetooth scan could potentially be used to gather information about the location of the user.If your app targets Android 9 (API level 28) or lower, you can declare the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission instead of the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.