What do you think this Strange shadow is? It’s transparent and my camera tagged it

[Mod Note]: Edited post for embedded viewing in web browsers, fixed tags and title.

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@noursaw, would you like to provide some context and a proper topic title? Otherwise, this kind of looks like spam.


Post edited. :+1:

Looks like a bug across lens or a poltergeist. :ghost:


Thanks, I thought about just flagging it but thought it might be better for the user to take care of it instead of tasking Moderators with more work. :grin:

I agree that it looks like a .


I love the ghostly videos. Not as common and spookier than the orbs. :grin:


Flying balloon shadow.


Not ?

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That’s it! It’s Nena’s missing 100th balloon! :balloon:


Just so we’re clear, I don’t believe in paranormal. I don’t think it is a bug on the lens as it appears transparent as the OP mentioned. More like something going across the light source above and behind the camera.


I don’t see the OP’s video as anything spooky. Could be anything floating close to the lens. My Wyze v3 front yard camera caught a clump of my Golden Retriever’s fur floating over my house from a backyard brushing in 2023.

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My first impression was that it is a gaseous thing like smoke or a puff of black exhaust in the wind.

There is a small possibility that it could be some kind of swarm of small insects.

Any other kind of dust or debris. I have seen condensation look like this, though usually not black.

My primary guess would be a puff of smoke or exhaust.

Thank you! I was hoping someone would chime in as to what I’m seeing also. I’ve been a longtime user and have all Wyze cameras this one is V3. I’ve seen many strange videos but this one really stood out as strange. I went to my other cams and no wind was blowing around my house at the same timestamp.

Looks like a ballon with a string on it

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One looks like the top of a dandelion blowing in the wind.

Proof of the paranormal right here.

@Antonius’s fart bubble. :rofl:

What camera is this?

Picture super clear and what mount did you use to mount the camera?

Is it a wireless Wyze camera?

I think both videos posted are from the V3 cameras. Indoor/Outdoor plug in wifi cameras.

If you are asking about my clump of dog fur video, it is a Wyze regular Cam v3 mounted inside a double pane window. I made my own L bracket out of sheet metal attached to the inside window sill. The v3 is a wired camera plugged into power below the inside of the window.

I believe my wife would like you to know the blue masking tape is not visible once the blinds are closed.

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You managed to have that contraption vetoed by your wife? She must really love you :rofl:

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