So Bluestacks emulates Android, and is thus different than Wyze Web View. It simply runs the normal Wyze app.
No matter how you run it, you should be able to run the normal Wyze app and get around any issues you are having with Wyze Web View.
So Bluestacks emulates Android, and is thus different than Wyze Web View. It simply runs the normal Wyze app.
No matter how you run it, you should be able to run the normal Wyze app and get around any issues you are having with Wyze Web View.
I have the EXACT same issue. Iâm going to be formatting my PC because it feels as if someone is streaming from my feed. It only gives me an issue on my PC as well but not on my laptop. I also have one camera that refuses to work via the live stream site but just fine on my phone?!? I used Bluestacks for a while but it just doesnât work nearly as nice as the Wyze stream.
can anyone share how to access the web view url for my devices - have seen various issues with android and pcâs - Iâm on a Mac and thought I would try it - either with iOS or Mac OS - thanks in advance for any help
Go to, and log in. You will be presented with all cams that are supported and have cam plus.
You can view events in the events tab at the top without needing cam plus
Hold your horses I think I figured it out!!!
Hit the three dots in the far left corner, go to settings, hit the three bars on the upper left corner, go to system and slide use hardware acceleration when available to off! that fixed my freaking flickering issue! Hope it does the same for you popdan!?!
Thank you so much Beans - very much appreciated - still working on safari IE testing
replied to Beans re the link to web view and once there find that the camplus assigned cameras are not all showing - apparently you can only have 5 active for monitoring so among my ten cams I assigned 5 that were not in the same room as another and those changes do not show in web view - I have reloaded the page a dozen times and the old assingnments still show - it doesnât make sense to me to only have five but in trying to spread available resources - having two cams in one room pointed in different directions leaves me with an unenviable decision - change cam plus to the other cameras that are not in the same room but in doing so no changes were seen in web view - not sure whatâs up with that but there it is! Also having to hit play on every camera in a safari window doesnât make much sense either - once the page loads shouldnât they all be on already instead of having to hit play? thats my first impressions of the web view integration so far - still playing with it!
The 5 active cams for monitoring is only for the home monitoring system, has nothing to do with webview. You should see all of them there, are any of them the battery powered WCOS?
it clearly does not show all my cams - it only shows 5 and those 5 are not what I had selected in my monitoring service and my cam+ selected cameras - if your saying it should show all of them then there is a problem that is not related to what I choose in cam+ but in Wyzeâs web view - not sure what to say or do now?
oh - by the by - two of them are Outdoor Cams
oh - maybe three of them are outdoor - not sure at the moment but one I want to watch in web view is my BDP - that doesnât show up either - if thatâs excluded from the web view then that accounts for 4 of the missing 5 but - it clearly states somewhere that cam plus is required in the beta test for web view so - if that is not what your saying - what is really going on? That is why I tried to reassign the cams in the first place to get the video door bell pro and a couple outdoor cams on web view - confusion with wyze is more common than not - especially with cam plus light vs cam+ vs cam plus pro which I assume I have as I purchased 7 licenses but can only use 5 - I also have home monitoring which apparently only monitors 5 as well it seems - so - why would a future purchase not include those details prior to purchase???
The âWyze Cam Outdoorâ (battery powered cube cam) is not supported in webview reguardless of cam plus status.
The âVideo Doorbell Proâ (battery powered or wired) is also not supported at this time in web view.
Only supported cams are the Wired cameras.
Iâve had the same flickering issue with the Live Web View and my v3 cameras using Chrome on Windows 11. I just disabled hardware acceleration in Chrome like someone suggested earlier and so far no flickering, fwiw.