My four version one WCO cams celebrated their 4th birthdays yesterday. No they did not get the day off from work.
My ‘oldest’ WCO v1s is a set of twins ‘born’ on 03-28-21.
Followed by a set of triplets on 04/02/2021.
Then singular ‘births’ on 04/22/2021, 04/22/2021 & 04/24/2021
Life was ‘good’ for most of the first few years for the ‘family’
Then… they went on strike, refusing to work a full 24 hour day… They all grumble if they don’t get at least a 1 minute union break if they so much as do what they have been hired to do.
I even pay for the Cam Unlimited Annual Plan, to help them with that task, yet they still are on the 1 minute Cooldown picket line.
Is your little family of four WCO v1s, still refusing to honor their No Cooldown contract as well?
Yes all four of my 2020 WCO v1 cams are on cam unlimited and still have the one min. cooldown period. I have a couple set the scheduled event recording also to the SD in the cam for 30 days at a time. It makes the battery life at little shorter but they still record as long as motion continues/No Cooldown.