WCO birthday

My four version one WCO cams celebrated their 4th birthdays yesterday. No they did not get the day off from work. :birthday: :birthday: :grin:


My ‘oldest’ WCO v1s is a set of twins ‘born’ on 03-28-21.
Followed by a set of triplets on 04/02/2021.
Then singular ‘births’ on 04/22/2021, 04/22/2021 & 04/24/2021

Life was ‘good’ for most of the first few years for the ‘family’

Then… they went on strike, refusing to work a full 24 hour day… They all grumble if they don’t get at least a 1 minute union break if they so much as do what they have been hired to do.

I even pay for the Cam Unlimited Annual Plan, to help them with that task, yet they still are on the 1 minute Cooldown picket line.

Is your little family of four WCO v1s, still refusing to honor their No Cooldown contract as well?


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Yes all four of my 2020 WCO v1 cams are on cam unlimited and still have the one min. cooldown period. I have a couple set the scheduled event recording also to the SD in the cam for 30 days at a time. It makes the battery life at little shorter but they still record as long as motion continues/No Cooldown.