Watch 47 missing sleep data.
The graphs show only one period of sleep per day…they should show the full 24 hours on the graph and show wake and asleep times for a total of 24 hours.
Now it shows partial sleep time as the “total” for the day and misses any second or additional sleep periods in any day. Say I sleep 4 hours, wake up for 30 mins, go back to sleep for 3 hours, wake for hour, go back to sleep…the app will only show the first 4 hours.
I’m sure I’m not the only person who works a 24/7 job and has to put out “work fires” throughout day/night AND have more than 1 sleep/nap sessions in a day.
I’ve sent logs twice from phone app and have yet to hear from Wyze support.
I’ve called and Wyze support person seemed to not care and clearly didn’t know what to do. He didn’t offer any solution other than “play with the settings” to get it to work. I stated there are no settings to check or update for sleep.
It seems the testing and QA at Wyze is so lacking that they forgot to ensure all types of customers would be considered. QA and testers at Wyze are likely so green that they don’t know how to fully test products and apps.