View motion event videos

Is a subscription required to view motion event videos on a V3 that has an SD card?

Are there any workaround to this? In short, is Wyze making me pay to watch a video that’s on my device?

Welcome to the Forum, @matthew4! :wave:

No, a subscription isn’t required, and that’s one of the things I really like about my Wyze cameras.

I’m not quite sure which camera you have, and that makes a difference in how you view videos, because your initial post said “V3”, which a lot of people write when referring to Cam v3 :cam_v3:. That uses the “old” UI, and I think that one has a View Playback button at the bottom of the Live Stream screen (I don’t actually have any of these; I’m going by what I’ve read and seen in pictures and videos). Cam Pan v3 :cam_pan_v3: (which is how you tagged your topic), uses the “new” UI. To see your microSD recordings with that one, you can use a couple of methods:

  1. From an event screen, which you get to by tapping a notification or by navigating to the  Events tab and selecting an event, you can tap on the  SD Card icon in the tool strip overlay. You may need to tap your screen once to make this visible so you can see the icon to tap it. This should take you to the camera’s microSD recording timeline.
  2. From the camera’s Live Stream screen, tap the  SD Card icon in the control strip below the view pane (the first icon on the left). This will also take you to the microSD recording timeline.
  3. From the camera’s Live Stream screen, tap or drag up the RECENT EVENTS (below WAYPOINTS) to open this drawer and scroll through to select an event. Tap that, and then tap  SD Card below the still image to view playback of that event from the microSD card.

Once you get to the timeline, you can select dates and scroll vertically. You should see a solid vertical green strip on the right if you have microSD recording set to Continuous; this line will be interrupted if you’re recording Events Only.

Without a subscription, you’ll see event markers or tags appear as greenish circles for motion and sound. If you drag the timeline so that one of those markers is near the horizontal red line on the screen, it should “snap” to the marker and play the event. You can also zoom the timeline with the typical two-finger pinch/unpinch gestures. If you choose to attach that camera to a subscription, your event markers will be purple for the various Smart Detections available.

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Thank you. I can now view event videos off the SD card timeline.

However, a shared account cannot view the videos on the SD card, any work arounds for that?

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No, unfortunately, shared accounts can view cloud clips (requiring a subscription) but for SD card they can only see a still frame of the event.

:+1: You’re welcome!

This is correct, so some users (e.g., spouses) will just share account credentials, so both users log in with the same account. This can be problematic for individualized devices, though (Watches, Scales), so it’s not an ideal work-around, in addition to violating basic security practices. A Wishlist topic exists for this kind of thing:

Shared user access to microSD recordings is one of the things that’s been discussed/requested in that topic. Please feel free to visit that topic, click the Vote button above the initial post, and share your ideas/use cases in the comments! Supposedly this is going to get some priority soon:


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