Event playback from SD card nolonger jumping to that video on SD card. This happens for cams with no Wzye servcies.
I have Cam Plus on one V3 and Cam Plus lite on the rest of my V3 cameras and V2 pan cameras.
My V3 pans cameras do not qualify for Cam Plus lite and does not send motion videos to the server (no Wyze services applied to these cameras). It does mark detected events to the event menu with a photo.
In the past, from the event menu of the captured event photo, if you click on “playback” it will play the video near that timemark from the SD card (SD set to continual recording).
I just noticed that these V3 pan cameras (no Wyze services) have changed. The playback no longer goes to this time mark of the event but respondes with “No Video at the Selected time” and plays video from about 5 mins back from current time.
Since the camera is on continual record, the event is on the SD, but the playback feature no longer jumps to that location and requires the user to scroll to that time. Moreover the “event” is marked on the timeline.
Anybody else see this change and miss this feature?
I can confirm that the playback does not go to the correct time mark. I have to find the correct spot. It’s bug. I was about to post this.
Do you notice it used to work ?
Also can you also confirm that it still works for camera with Wzye services?
Yes, it used to work properly.
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I remember when Wyze posted in here saying they do regressive testing. But it’s obvious their regression testing isn’t working because I’ve seen bugs resuscitated by new releases.
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I just happened to try my IPad and event playback jumps to the correct time location for SD storage playback.
Looks like the problem is associated to the android wyze app.
Since you see the problem, I assume that you are an android user.
I have both an iPad and an Android phone, but yes, I’m primarily an Android user, because I like Android’s back button.
Does your Ipad app function correctly for this feature? Mine does.
I just tested it; it does now.
I can confirm we see this behavior on our Wyze Doorbell V2 since latest firmware and app update (Android).
Exact scenario as reported here on the V3 Pan no longer going to timespot on the SD card… Going to near current instead.
WYZE! Please Fix!
How do we register this issue to Wyze?
@WyzeJasonJ can this go into the bug pile from the last app/beta firmware update please?
Same issue here
Seems from what I can see,
from the Feb 7th Wyze App update.
8 Cams I am experiencing this issue.
Actually 7 cams
the one I am not experiencing this on,
is a V2 Cam