I don’t currently have a powered doorbell so will need to install a transformer and run new wires to the Video Doorbell. I’ve seen 12v, 16v, 18v transformers listed for standard doorbells. Which one will work with the Video Doorbell? In other words, what are the power requirements of the Video Doorbell?
Per the specs in the store, the power reqs are 16V-24V AC (≥10VA).
Thanks, I looked for the specs in the store but must have missed them.
Hello, yarbennett.
A simple 24 volt adapter for doorbells such as
24 Volt Transformer, C Wire Adapter Thermostats, Compatible with Ecobee, Nest and Honeywell Smart Wifi Thermostat, Ring Nest Hello Skybell August Doorbell (White) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MT5VWQN/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_fab_CGVAFb2DZCEVQ
is easy to plug into an inside wall reseptical. The small two-wire lead is run along the baseboard over to the door and up the side of the door frame molding. A 3/16" or smaller hole is drilled through the wall (stay away from potential paths of electrical wires). This kit includes wall clips for the doorbell wire.
Victor Maletic.
The adapter you referenced will be perfect! Thank you!
Question, Victor – at 24 Volts and 300 mA, doesn’t that mean that model is only supplying 7.2 VA, not the required 10 VA?
You are correct Customer, I blew it. Not enough output.
It won’t be perfect because I selected an underpowered one. @Customer brought it to my attention. Something like the one below will work with power to spare.
Wire and clips are not included.
Victor Maletic.
@StopICU33 linked a 500 mA model at
Probably a lot of options out there. (Also, you can’t always believe what you read on these labels.)
Can I use the phone lines cables?
I have currently about 6 phone lines wires not in use that I would like to use to reach the outside gate.
Probably? Most Bell wire is rated for 30V.
Wyze doorbell looks great - Looks like the ringer needs to run from a power outlet though.
Is the plug on the back swappable/adaptable for different countries? In Australia, we have the 3 pin configuration on all power sockets. Don’t really want to use a US to AUS brick because it looks ugly.
The Wyzecam V3s just required a USBA port on a power socket or USB brick to power - which works perfectly here in the land of OZ.