Version 3.4.0.b629 Android Beta App

To all,

App update showed up on play at 10:30pst.

What updated to was not 3.3.6 625.

What it updated to:

Be very careful if updating. “Events” is broken, especially filtering.

Have done the usual.

Clear both caches.
Force stop.
Log off/on.
Restart phone.
Still a mess.

This appears to have broke more than it fixed.

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So I updated to an unannounced beta app while waiting for the hot fix referenced in this thread.

Not sure what I’m testing. :thinking:


I think I was sent version early.

Anyone else? There are new features that are interesting for Descriptive Alerts and A.I. Assistance on automation.

The event filter overall is changing as well.

But… I’m having issues with things working in these new features. Just wondering if they aren’t fully implemented and I got an early build somewhere?

I received it on my Android phone. I reached out to Wyze to see what it was.

Things seem to work well for me, but have not gone through all the features yet

Screwed up post. Disregard

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I updated to version 3.4.0 (b429) and the items I see are:

  • Searching descriptive alerts with phrases using a calendar view. It’s currently not working though. My normal event filter view is broken too.
  • A new button on the main screen that can dispatch fire, police, or ambulance. I didn’t try to actually do this. No idea if it really works.
  • A.I. assistance with checking rules. For me, it tells me that devices are offline that are in rules. I fixed what it said and now it’s alerting on another rule but I don’t know why. I think this is a work in-progress. I can also suggest Automations. I haven’t gone deep in this yet. I personally am a huge fan for A.I. to write scripts and things (Excel, SQL Select, VBScript, Smartsheet). It makes my day to day job faster. A.I. to write automations would be great.
  • Video Cloud storage showed up. Cam Unlimited Pro users can now have 60 days off saved events. My cameras all said they will hold 60 days now after I told them to change. This works.

This version seems to be things for Cam Unlimited Pro users. Which, I’m glad they are prioritizing that since it wasn’t very feature complete from the jump.

These changes make this service more valuable. Searching the descriptive alerts is a big one.

Yep… I too am upgraded to 3.4.0 (b629) and filtering is screwed. My filter groups are not there and I can’t add any.

What’s up with this unannounced beta?

Android app…

This beta Android app version loaded to my phone on 3/1 and the filters are screwed. Lost my filter groups and can’t add any.

There is no announcement in regards to this version so no idea what is going on.


Log: 1773424

I have the beta 3.4.0.b629 as indicated in the OP as well. The filter screen seems to be lacking in filters and camera selection. I have Cam Unlimited so filters should be there. Here is an image of what I see.

It should be noted that one time I did get the cameras to list, but no filters. However nothing really shows up in the filter list.

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To all,

“Events” has more bugs than I originally observed.

Not only is Events > Cameras non usable but add Events > Faces to the list.

If I click on “Faces” I hit a pay wall for plus unlimited, which I have.

If I then go to Account > Wyze Intelligence > Friendly Faces and click on a face something crashes.

This all worked normally before this update.

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I’m usually one of the first(?) to bark when I see an issue with beta releases.

So I was pleasantly surprised when a new feature appeared in b629.

There is a new, movable icon on the “Automation” screen.

Clicking on the icon gives the following screen :

When I tried it it identified two minor problems.

Nice feature.

Thank you Wyze.

P.S. I swear this appeared out of nowhere. No updates today. Must have been server side magic. :grin:

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After the latest update (b629) when i go to “Events” then filter no cameras show up. There are tons of actual events but since it does not find any cameras i cant filter out the ones i dont want.
Same thing for “Friendly faces” (yes in my state it normally works fine. Nothing has changed). It stayes “no cameras enabled” when i go to enable the cameras there are NONE!

This has been a reported issue. Hopefully Wyze will come out with an update.

The latest update is not the latest update… they jumped to 3.4.0 (B629) not the 3.3.6 (b625) version they advertised. They got ahead of themselves.

Read above. Many things are broken.

I agree, my errors in automations were one smart plug is not plugged in, granted, an error flagged, the 2nd is conflicts for Pan V3 Position Resets at AM time and PM time, not really a duplicate or conflict as times are different.

But the b629 is the most recent…hope they get it fixed soon!
Thank you for the response…

Now apparently the most recent is 3.4.0.b633 (for Android, anyway):


When will I see the new update for this problem? Can I download the new version now?

I just received the latest beta app. Seems like the filter screen may be fixed. Have not check anything else yet.