Partnership Idea. Velux makes automatic opening skylights that are solar powered. Their control application, however, falls short. This could be integrated into the Wyze app and give both companies exposure to the other’s customer base (win-win) and make the Velux automation actually useful. This could also be tied into the Wyze thermostat as well. I’ll take it a step further. QuietCool makes very nice whole house fans. They can’t operate unless a window, door, or skylight is open. Wyze could partner with them as well and make a fully automated, very green, climate controlled environment by simply partnering with these two companies to provide the app coding to make it all work together (or individually). Just an idea. I have products from all 3 companies. The fan and skylights are great, but they lack the automation expertise Wyze clearly excels at. Hope these comments get some ideas flowing. Thanks for what you do! -Brad
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