Vacuum mapping

Is it possible to port the map to a real computer, with a big screen, and make adjustments there? Trying to get accurate “no-go” areas on a 2" screen with a pointer (my finger) the size of a chair is tough. However if the little devil would stop trying to get under the couch (where it gets stuck and doesn’t know enough to back out) the little screen might be OK.

Welcome to the Wyze User Community Forum @davehard42! :raising_hand_man:

The only way to get a bigger map view is to use the App on a device with a bigger screen. There is no import \ export feature or another program that can view or edit the map.

Some users use an Emulator like Blue Stacks on their computer to emulate an Android OS environment so that they can run the Android Wyze App on their computer.

However, within the map in the app when setting your no-go zone, you can zoom in on map areas by using two fingers to spread and pinch to get a better view of the area you want to work with.


Yep, you can zoom in pretty good which will help.

It’s worth noting that the vacuum seems to have a gap of around a foot outside of the red zone where it still doesn’t go. So when you create the no-go zones you may want to make them slightly smaller than the actual chair.


OK, thanks, I’ll just have to make it work.

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