My V3 refuses to track motion anymore. It did previously. It does pan when requested. Tried restart, have auto plug goes on and off for 10 min. each night, Checked settings for track motion on. 0 detection setting restrictions. Sensitivity 100% or 0%. I see many complaints about this, but no solutions. Where is Wyze on these issues. Thoughts?
Hello @knighttruck
I am sorry you are having some issues with motion tracking. Could yo submit a log for me and post the log number here and I will see if I can get someone to look into it? Here are the instructions to submit a log:
In the Wyze app, go to Account > Wyze Support > Submit a Log. Select your device from the dropdown menu. Then fill in the description box with the date, time, and time zone of the most recent time you noticed this issue and a description of what’s happening. Make sure the Send Logs option is selected and then submit your log.
If I may say, I would check that it is selected in the app. That the power connection is not binding up during tracking. That is up to date. That you have the correct set points. And if you can manually pan the camera via the control in the app we know it’s not pan motor. However, I have seen people not take care to ensure that the power cable is secured and set correctly which can lead to the camera panning and snagging which if not corrected will toast the motor that pans the camera. Lastly remove and reconnect device.
Just to recap.
- check that tracking selected in app
- check that it’s not getting bound up on anything .
- check that it’s up to date
-manually through app controls pan camera and set setpoints( do not attempt to force physically the set points as it ruins the camera) to ensure motor is not fried.
-remove device and reconnect.n