V3 You Tube channel

I have started a You Tube channel just posting captures from my V3. Some are videos that I have already posted here.
Channel name The Wyze Astronomer.
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Great name. I would imagine they’d be delighted with this use (seriously).


I agree! And I bet @Bam is going to be jealous he didn’t think of that first. :smiley:


Nah. I’m still working on a way to put a V3 on my telescope :wink:


Now that would be fantastic.

What other options are there for recording the night sky?
I did look into an all sky camera set up but it too expensive for me.

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Just confirming this it?: https://youtube.com/user/bbigbbob

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Yes, if you go to You Tube and search for The Wyze Astronomer it should come up.

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Sadly I don’t think it would work very well. Knowing what I know about optics, the field of view for the V3 is just too wide and sadly my phone is a much better camera than the V3 (it’s awesome over a thousand dollar phone :innocent:) so there might be a few reasons my phone would be better but I am curious to see what it would capture. But I don’t think it has enough detail to really get anything good.

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If it was reasonably priced I would certainly buy a dedicated night sky camera,

Repurposing even an older phone is a good idea. Most have decent cameras. Apps like Alfred or TinyCam itself can turn them into IP cameras that you can control and schedule any number of ways.

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I also think a V2 is sharper than the V3 for night sky watching. The v3 sensor gets overwhelmed with bright light sources, like the moon.

I tried recording fireworks and found that the V3 doesn’t even register the various colors even when night mode is off. It’s just too bright. I installed a V2 beside it and it’s working well for that purpose.

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What a contrarian hot take! :wink:

Seriously that may well be true but it goes against the received wisdom that the V3 blows away the V2 for all things dark. I mean, it’s called the “starlight sensor” and everything…

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Dang, now I’m gonna have to put a V2 out tonight as well to compare.
Place your bets!