A few months ago i noticed a few hour gap in the playback on my V3. Finally got me annoyed and i put a clock in front of two spares to see what is happening.
What happens is that at some point in the afternoon it starts recording faster, in other words, the camera playback show 1 and the clock shows the same time. Then the playback shows 2 but the clock is at 2:45, By 5 on the playback, it’s actually 8 on the clock. THEN THERE IS A 3 HOUR GAP IN THE PLAYBACK before recording normally.
This is happening on 3 cameras so it’s somewhere in the software. It’s NOT happening on the V4. 3 cameras, different memory brands and sizes.
HELP!! I don’t want to lead the answer, but could this be related to TimeLapse feature gone wild? If so, how do i stop it?