Hellos again,
I too apologize for the delay. I wanted to check some logs before I replied.
As far as I can tell by cross referencing my local cloud and router logs the power would have been out only momentarily. That rings true to past history as well. Usually only a very brief reset of power.
In thinking about what you said about extended outage and returning to a spot it was left in.
Well, as I mentioned before the camera was facing the wall, but not at a 180 degree opposite from the default position. it was off to the side some and angled down more than I usually have it. The position is not in the reset path that you saw on power cycle.
That being said, I think maybe not the case.
The outside camera was panned up and outward away from the sliding glass door. Maybe in a reset path, I would have to go cycle to see.
Am I worried about being hacked. No, not really, I am 55, pretty handy with networking, CLI linux, and generally anything related to computers. If someone got into my local lan then they are very good at either guessing a very complicated password, or they currently or should be working for the government. Then to setup say Tinycam and add my cameras, and move them. Well. To what end? Only those two were affected. I also checked the devices on my network. Yes there are a lot but even the offline devices do not seem out of order. I will going forward match the MAC address to the devices I haven’t used in a while in the drawer just to rule it out, but I suspect everything is good.
If they got through the WYZE website and the two factor authentication on my account, well then they again should be working for the government, or, they already do. I saw no notifications for access.
Did an actor gain access not through my account but directly through Wyze or a 3rd party? This would be my strongest suspect. By if so, why only mess with 2 cameras?
But I guess it’s possible. Just doubtful. I am no one important, and I have nothing to steal anyone wants that would risk their life trying to break into someone’s house in the middle of the night. /shrug
Firmware? Perhaps. I left all of my cameras at the previous firmware version. I am glad I did as I seem to have avoided a few issues others may be having. Firmware scares me as I have accumulated a few bricks over the years. However all cameras are at the same firmware version. Only two cameras affected. I mean logic says no, but maybe.
However this coinciding with a power outage is a key piece of evidence we should keep in mind. Is there a security flaw that allows someone who resets the power at a location that allows someone local or remote access to a camera outside of a local LAN? Would they know I had the previous firmware version if that was even relevant? I can sit here and dream up security scenarios, but at the end of the day, I am not worth the trouble. It even sounds ridiculous.
I too am at a loss. We can both sit here and speculate, and will probably never know the answer. I would like to know though.