V3 cameras stopped streaming from internet

3 v3 cameras stopped streaming when out of home or connected from LTE but still stream if connected to same LAN I tried everything even deleting one of them and reinstalled and keep same priblem. Other cameras in my home (2 pan v1 and pan v2 and even other 2 v3 cams still stream from LAN and if from outside. Support didn’t contact me I’m very dissapointed after investing in more than 10 wyze cameras support sucks with IA useless assistant I live outside USA cannot phone call even chat is IA una [Mod Edit] de compañía!! Pensaba comprar mas pero voy a tirar todo a la [Mod Edit] y este foro tenes q hacer un curso universitario para entender la cabeza de [Mod Edit] de los nerdos q programan estas webs y soy universitario informatico no ayudan en nada todo debe ser causado por la actualizacion a version 3 de la app deben haber cambiado algo em server yo sigo tenienfdo app ver 2.81

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.

one week and still waiting for a solution from wyze’s support team, I even sent them the 3 MAC addresses, my suspect is that the same MAC could have been used in new wyze v3 cameras or other products from wyze making impossible for my cameras to register to wyze servers to be able to connect from outside the LAN. This could be by mistake or intentionally to oblige customers to purchase new cameras, this would be very ruin… I also suspect changes in wyze serers related to new features of app ver 3.0 could lead to weird behaviors of the products, since othe cameras in my LAN even same model (v3) works fine from the internet, I discarded (after exhausted all testing) the problem is on the cameras, on the app, on my LAN, etc, problem is on wyze servers, the servers that inform the app which IP address have your camera on the internet, I hope to have a happy ending…otherwise…

What ISP and router model are you using for your home internet? Are all your v3s running the same firmware?

It is possible some of your v3s are registered with one set of servers and the others are on another set, which could be getting blocked by your router or ISP (the XB7 gateway that Comcast and Rogers use is particularly problematic). Though in that case it is usually all cams of the same model have an issue, but maybe the non-issue ones just haven’t tried to reconnect since an update to the router or some of your cams got new firmware…

Have you tried the “reset services” button under settings for the problematic cams?

Unlikely they would have duplicated a MAC address, it is possible but I’ve never heard of it happening with any company.

Dave, I’m not in the USA, I don’t know the ISP you mention, I use the local government’s telecom company service,

but this is not the explanation, suddenly last Wednesday (yes one week with no solution from wyze!!) these 3 v3
cameras stopped streaming while I was at work far from home, the other cameras (pan v1, v2 and v3 and 2 v3 even

with the old wyze’s RTSP firmware) keep working until now, can see them when I’m away from home and access

all their functions, recording (SD card) etc.

Being at my home’s wifi network, the 3 v3 problematic cameras connect properly, can use all functions, all are with

the latest firmware, I even deleted the cameras and reinstalled successfully but when moved to LTE or a different

WiFi (as being away from home) these cameras cannot be connected.

Is obvious is a problem at Wyze servers that for some reason are not letting these cameras to register to allow be accessed

from the internet (away the home’s wifi LAN). It might indicate a serious problem at wyze server, probably caused by

changes implemented to support the app version 3.0 (I keep using v2.38.0 153), or maybe Wyze by mistake (or intentionally)
assigned the MAC addressed of these 3 problematic cameras to new Wyze cameras or products, I’m using Wyze products

since February 2020, purchased many Wyze cameras and even other products even gifted Wyze cameras to my relatives,

but the support sucks, I contacted this week the support chat many times, every time repeat all the same and receive the same
stupid indications (disconnect the WiFi, turn off and on the cameras) they don’t read the logs or the text I indicate where I explain
I exhausted all the possibilities.

I’m loosing my hopes to get these 3 v3 cameras working again, last thing I can do is to burnt a previous firmware or even

the RTSP firmware and reinstall them to check whether the latest firmware may include some bug that cause this failure,

maybe latest firmware opened the door for some type of hacking.

Any other users experiencing the same situation please inform, I want to believe I’m not the only user that is experiencing

this problem among all Wyze users, it happened to me some cameras disconnect for a while in the past but returning to

operation minutes or even hours later, in general after turning off and on the cameras that solved the problem, in this situation

nothing you can do is solving the problem, must the Wyze engineers put their hands in this case, I supplied the 3 MAC

addresses of these problematic cameras in order they can check at Wyze server’s logs what type of problem is indicating,

only they can do that.



So the cameras that are working are on older firmware vs the ones that aren’t working being on a newer firmware? That seems far more likely to be the culprit than the 3.0 app.

If you’re using government internet, and Wyze cams are known to connect to servers that some ISPs consider “malicious” (they aren’t, but they’re smaller hosting companies that probably do get used for other malicious things), my guess would be the cams on the newer firmware have some new connection that is being blocked by your ISP. I’m not sure what country you’re in or how restrictive they are with their internet.

Even if you deleted and reinstalled the cams, still try the “reset services” button.

You can try downgrading the firmware (manual process an all the previous firmwares are on Wyze’s site) and see if that changes anything.

I had forgotten to factory reset the cameras, anyway factory reset only restored the power on/off from the internet but streaming was not working, then I decided to downgrade from firmware 4.36.11.xxx the latest available installed some weeks ago in my cameras, to install the 4.36.10.xxx, now the cameras are working again from the internet, it seems the latest firmware is causing the fault, I read something similar with the cam pan 3 in this forum, they are working hard to fix, by now I will keep the 4.36.10.xxx, this confirm my premise that “not all upgrades are for better…”
hope help someone else, I spent lot of time and energy trying some help from support team.

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That is odd. I just checked and my v3 cams are all on and I don’t see any issues.

I’ve seen my cameras connecting to different things after firmware updates in the past, I’m guessing the new firmware changed something related to what the camera connects to and that new thing may be blocked by your ISP. Just a guess. Others with v3s on the latest firmware are working fine. My Panv3s also have the latest firmware and no issues (same with the previous firmwares for those).

This is the challenge with running a cloud based service that integrates with other services, several connections to several different places are needed and you have no control over what an ISP or their hardware may consider “malicious”, or in the case of certain countries, against their laws/rules.

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