Dave, I’m not in the USA, I don’t know the ISP you mention, I use the local government’s telecom company service,
but this is not the explanation, suddenly last Wednesday (yes one week with no solution from wyze!!) these 3 v3
cameras stopped streaming while I was at work far from home, the other cameras (pan v1, v2 and v3 and 2 v3 even
with the old wyze’s RTSP firmware) keep working until now, can see them when I’m away from home and access
all their functions, recording (SD card) etc.
Being at my home’s wifi network, the 3 v3 problematic cameras connect properly, can use all functions, all are with
the latest firmware, I even deleted the cameras and reinstalled successfully but when moved to LTE or a different
WiFi (as being away from home) these cameras cannot be connected.
Is obvious is a problem at Wyze servers that for some reason are not letting these cameras to register to allow be accessed
from the internet (away the home’s wifi LAN). It might indicate a serious problem at wyze server, probably caused by
changes implemented to support the app version 3.0 (I keep using v2.38.0 153), or maybe Wyze by mistake (or intentionally)
assigned the MAC addressed of these 3 problematic cameras to new Wyze cameras or products, I’m using Wyze products
since February 2020, purchased many Wyze cameras and even other products even gifted Wyze cameras to my relatives,
but the support sucks, I contacted this week the support chat many times, every time repeat all the same and receive the same
stupid indications (disconnect the WiFi, turn off and on the cameras) they don’t read the logs or the text I indicate where I explain
I exhausted all the possibilities.
I’m loosing my hopes to get these 3 v3 cameras working again, last thing I can do is to burnt a previous firmware or even
the RTSP firmware and reinstall them to check whether the latest firmware may include some bug that cause this failure,
maybe latest firmware opened the door for some type of hacking.
Any other users experiencing the same situation please inform, I want to believe I’m not the only user that is experiencing
this problem among all Wyze users, it happened to me some cameras disconnect for a while in the past but returning to
operation minutes or even hours later, in general after turning off and on the cameras that solved the problem, in this situation
nothing you can do is solving the problem, must the Wyze engineers put their hands in this case, I supplied the 3 MAC
addresses of these problematic cameras in order they can check at Wyze server’s logs what type of problem is indicating,
only they can do that.