Yes, make the bird bath (and the rest of what’s in frame in the picture) be either in full sun, or in full shade. Basically everything needs to be the same brightness. The camera is trying to expose the bright sun and dark shade areas the same. It’s a combo of processing the high dynamic range, white balance, exposure here with the two extreme brightness in the same frame at play here.
In the video above, the camera is exposing the sun areas the best, which is causing the dark to be underexposed. If it were the other way, the dark would be exposed correctly and the sun part would be all white and overexposed.
That might be a bit of a challenge…… not sure I can keep the sun from moving across the sky…. and demolition of my home, to remove the shadow that is cast, as that sun thing moves between sunrise, and sunset, is beyond what my budget will permit.
Any other suggestions on how to keep the sun from rising and setting?
From my calculation, since I can’t move the house or stop the sun from moving, and moving the birdbath and/or the Wyze V3 Cam being impractical…. I should only expect to get non pixelated video sometime after 11:23am PST:
Since you can’t move the sun, I’d say move the camera position, or move the bird bath but you stated those are impractical. Even moving the camera closer to the bird bath so that it focused it’s image processing in the bird bath if that’s the majority of the frame? Unfortunately it looks like the image processing of the Wyze cameras are outside of your ideal use case. You may need a camera that can handle the dynamic range needed to have a picture of your bird bath in multiple lighting conditions at the same time.
That is ugly; I didn’t notice anything wrong at all until the bird got to the dark side. The V3 uses a highly compressed codec - it actually uses markedly less bandwidth for the same resolution stream the V2 produces. These artifacts are a casualty. I really wish they would fix this or give people control over the compression. Also as noted the Wyze cameras don’t make much effort to have wide dynamic range.
Waiting on those fixes or moving the sun around, about the same challenge.
(Also, birds are flying poop delivery drones and I don’t quite understand the attraction if one has cars or property or a head. But I digress.)
Moving the sun around seems to be more likely than many things that their Wyze app being fully Landscape usable on Android Tablets and iPhones/iPads,…. RTSP / ONVIF cams…. Web based viewing of Cams….
Here’s a video of the birdbath in nothing but sunlight, and pixelation is occurring in the water as well. The birds are not always clear. Everything in the faraway background appears to be in focus.
Surprising the plants blowing in the wind, remain in clear, but the water in the birdbath is pixelated like it is.
Just a guess but maybe the aggressively stingy compression algorithm treats that stationary grey fountain rim as part of the water (similar color) and so spends no time encoding the motions within it.