V3 Auto zooming?

App version 3.0.5 (9) just an alert for movement / person, when viewed the cam view showed person in closeup without me having to do anything. This is something totally new to me. I only have cam plus on this cam.

Looks like beta Smart Focus for SD Playback.

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Many thanks

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8/30/2024 Just noticed auto zoom on iPhone, not on iPad. Also, cannot per form a regular zoom when in ‘live’ mode or in ‘View Playback’. Can only ‘pinch and zoom’ on events only.

As stated by the topic, this issue is only on the V3 cameras.

I’m using iOS app 2.50.9 on both iPhone and iPad. If I watch Live view or playback from the SD on a V3 and tap the screen twice with my finger the view will zoom in, and I mean really zoom in. Tap again twice to return to regular view.

The difference being that I dont have to tap anything to get it to zoom to the movement, it does it all on its own

I understand that I was just was just replying to @lwitcomb who could not perform a regular manual zoom. I have 3 cams with smart focus and I have used it in Live view just to see what it did. I have never tried it in playback from the SD and I am not using any version of the 3.0 app either.

Anyway just to clear up. Problem appears fixed now. The smart focus option somehow appeared in the camera … settings and I can now turn it off cam by cam. Also pinch and spread appears fixed. and the SF option also works on no-cam plus cams as well.

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Hi Slammer99uk,
I don’t have anything in settings to correct it. Strange this is it’s ONLY happening on my two personal iPhones. iPads and work iPhone are all ok. Same iOS version, same WYZE app version and same V# camera firmware on everything. Tried deleting and reinstalling app as per WYZE, N/G. Tried getting out of BETA version and back to regular version, N/G. STRANGE! WYZE Support is investigating. Thanks.

When I experienced the problem it was only on my iPhone 15 plus, the iPad was fine.