V2 won't work after doing recent upgrade? what do I do?

I am sorry you are having these issues, most the people on these boards are just users like you and are trying to help out.

I would recommend filing a support ticket, they will be able to help you more as far as returning the product or giving you better help to get it running again.

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I didnt know that…thanks for your help

I ordered a new one and will sems the other back (amazon) and wont update next time


how did you know about the update? I never got the email and they pulled the firmware.
I think also they pull it today.

@Glenn66, I would also recommend contacting our customer support team. If you have a US address, we would be able to send you a warranty replacement if we can’t bring it back to life with you.

Wyze Customer Support

@kroq83, we pulled last week’s firmware updates for Wyze Cam v2 and Wyze Cam Pan. But we released improved versions of those along with the app updates yesterday. Your app will prompt you for firmware updates when you use the devices and your app store will inform you of app updates.

If you would like to learn more about our releases, you can visit our Release Notes page here:


I’m having the same issues. Updated firmware camera went offline with solid yellow light. I tried deleting it but camera will not work… guess I’ll have to order a new one and never update firmware again…

I would recommend contacting our customer support team instead. If we can’t revive it, we would send you a replacement at no cost to you.

Wyze Customer Support

I am sorry that you are experiencing this issue.

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@lon1967 - ‘Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water’. All products have recall and updates, some worse than others. Food, cars, drugs , planes-(a lot worse when they hit you!). Wyze is a very responsive company and there are some pretty sharp and helpful people here who are willing to try to make sure your problems aren’t from not knowing or understanding. Take Gwendolyn’s advice and contact Support. If you’ve got a bad product they’ll replace it - they have replaced several of mine. But if you don’t upgrade you will miss out on some pretty cool new features and also bug fixes - that’s worth it in the long run, at least to me!
Keep us posted!

Thanks… I’ll hold on to it for now… I’ve submitted a complaint to them…

Ao i just received a new wyze v2 and it gets me to the point where its going to connect and it fails each time “cannot find spec network”

Password is right and its trying to connect with 2.4

Should delete and re load the app…maybe the one i sent back is causing set up problems?

Chat with the official Wyze support people. I’m sure they’ll help.

I had it where she said that the network not show up. But after time it connected.

Do you guys have dual band wifi?
Try turn off 5 ghz in your router and try again.

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where do you go to do that? my new V2 gets to the point where it tries to connect but won’t…its connected to 2.4 and accepts the password then the accepts the qsr code …very frustrating - nothing works since my attempt to upgrade on the other one I’m now sending back
plz help anyone?

it is in the router. Some new router is 2.4 ghz and 5 ghz router. Wyze is only 2.4 ghz.
But like Nest cam/cellphone/Kindle is able to use both freq.

Reboot your router?

Glenn because you said Cheers what is your local in the world. Just the country?

Wyze is sending me a warranty replacement… thanks …

right I am do the update manual.

I just did the manual update and got one camera updated.
I downloaded the new demo_4.9.5.98.bin zip firmware to computer.
Unzip and open folder
demo_4.9.5.98.bin change the file rename to demo.bin
Take the demo.bin and put it on the SD card but format the sd card.
Power down camera and put in the Sd card.
Repower and hold the setup button until blue led.
The led turn a flashing yellow so I waited for 10 min and nothing happen.
I reboot the camera and hit the reset up button.
It ask for a code and then it said can’t see the router and gave it time.
(I saw this before so I knew the router the camera didn’t have the problem but the app did. But the camera got setup anyway. )
I reboot and found the camera working on the new firmware.
You looking for a blue led when done.

new firmware (January 27th, 2020)

Flash Firmware for Wyze Cam v2 & Wyze Cam Pan

LED Status Light Indicator


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This may help because I know this firmware works.
I just the update but it don’t have rtsp yet.

This is want I found.
I reinstall the Beta rtsp firmware and it down grade the firmware.

This is the better write up how to update firmware.
(This person should change it to do for all firmware)

Are U suggesting update by sd card only? will be the best option?

i am trying to help fix Glenn with info and learn too. Don’t for get too have fun too.

Two things the app has bugs I feel with the router not finding it. It work find before.
The other if for some reason the firmware fail update like Glenn. The RTSP beta firmware can be use to as a safe heaven to use. It works. This is only way I am thinking.

For me update with SD card is not the problem.
Change the firmware name to demo.bin and let it go.
Then ask me about it in 6 year and I will tell you I did it but don’t remember how.

Also when troubleshoot it the last thing you did and try to force it back before the problem. Then rebuild it back up while fixing the problem.