Of the five 1st gen Wzye bulbs I had connected, only one still works and responds to the Wyze app. The other four just will not connect. I have tried time after time to connect them, but I keep getting “Connection Failed” every time.
Have the 1s gen bulbs now become obsolete, much like the V1 cams? Should I just toss them in with my other non-smart LED bulbs?
It’s a shame that previous versions of devices that were originally highly-touted by Wyze end up getting left behind once a new, improved version comes along. It definitely makes me hold back on buying anything more and just sitting back to wait for its replacement in the near future.
I used the app - add device - Wyze bulb no logo - on off three times, pulsing - confirm WiFi info - switch to the bulb’s WiFi - wait - wait - wait - Connection failed. Did I miss something?
I think the problem is that my phone is connecting to the 5GHz WiFi signal. I can’t split the signal, giving each band a different name, so now I am trying to find an old phone that will only connect to 2.4 and see if I can use that!
I am currently charging up an old phone to see if it only connects to the 2.4GHz band. Maybe that will work. Right now my current phone connects to 5GHz. I had forgotten about that problem!
Well, after re-booting and subsequently connecting to 5GHz several times in a row, I finally got it to connect to 2.4 - and the update is still failing. Grrrr