I have seen many posts and videos about wyze lens replacement. I want to add a telephoto lens to v3 but not open the camera. Is that possible? Which lens?
If you are still digging for info. (I know I am resurrecting the dead) Here is what I did with mine on another thread.
I know you said not take camera apart, but If you are a bit of a hammer mechanic (or just careful), you can just unscrew the old lens and screw in the new one. (of course you void the warrantee) You have to break the glue loose on the old lens so you will need good and small needle nose pliers with a good grip and the glue will pop as you give it a twist.
Make sure you set up the camera first. If you unscrew the lens without scanning the code and setting camera up to the phone, you will never get it focused again. (Or VERY hard to BTDT!!
BTW the lens has a very coarse focus and it is kind of near the end of the thread. (pretty much unscrewed)