If you keep the sidebar visible (open it by clicking the ☰ at the top-left page header, like @StevenAmentioned), then a bunch of links will be available, and you can add your own section(s) to that if those available don’t meet your needs. I recently created my own. This is how it appears in the sidebar:
It’s a work in progress and can be edited by clicking the button to the right of the section title, as show in the image above. I first set it up by clicking the Add custom section button at the bottom of the sidebar.
This one requires customization because of the ?filter=unread at the end.
Anyone who wants to use this should substitute the appropriate username (without brackets) into the marked section.
There’s already a generic Notifications link in the default sidebar, but it points to https://forums.wyze.com/my/notifications without the filter applied, but I wanted the shortcut with the filter.
The remainder of the links below—with my in place of u/[my_username]—should work for any Forum user who’s currently logged in.
Oh wow, I just assumed they would have to be forum links, but it looks like you can use anything.
I will probably add a lot of other related links, such as you did with the service status, release notes, etc.
I will probably also link to the Wyze subreddit (both the main page and the AMA archive on there), Docker Wyze Bridge, Thingino project, forum stats page, Web Portal, Wyze FCC Page, Wyze downdetector Page, AWS service status page, Wyze Home Assistant 3rd party API Page, a markdown reference page (maybe we should beg @Crease to create a whole tips and tricks thread about useful markdown or html code that work in this forum) since he’s done more than anyone), Wyze public shipping records page, probably a ton more links I could add to those shortcuts.
Thanks Crease, this is useful to me. I really didn’t realize that it allowed outside links as well.
Good call on these, especially. I thought about those, but my list was already getting crowded, and I’ll probably prune it back some (though it is collapsible, which is nice).
That seems generous, and I don’t know how that could possibly be true. I do enjoy tinkering and learning, though.
You’re welcome! I’m glad this is appreciated, and I hope that others find it useful, as well.
Humility? Fair enough. Then I challenge you to list a contender. Who else in this forum has possibly USED more varying markdown or html code in their posts that work in discourse forum software?
Note word used. I’m sure someone like Grandmaster Loki has the skills and ability to do so. And it’s likely people in other discourse forums do a lot too. But you have used a lot things in your posts that nobody else before you ever has in this Wyze Forum. That’s just a fact. I’m sure there are plenty who are quite capable of it. Especially a lot of current professional web page designers. So, I’m not saying nobody else could do it, just that nobody else does it except for you, and some people who don’t know how to do it, would like to know how, or have a reference for how without having to ask disco bought about everything, and finding out discobot doesn’t even know everything you do.
I dunno, but I figure there must be somebody. I’ve been here for just over a year now (after previously lurking some while researching prior to installing a lighting project), and many others have been around a lot longer, so it seems reasonable to expect that others have tinkered to a good extent.
I guess somebody’s gotta do it!
I have a few bookmarks (and one of my Forum bookmarks is Five Good Bookmarks, which I need to read and probably contribute to at some point) that I refer to (less so over time as knowledge occasionally lodges itself in my ). I think mostly for me it’s a matter of curiosity, wanting to know what’s possible and then taking the steps to learn how to do things or having a question or problem that I want to solve and then being stubborn enough to trial-and-error my way through it (which isn’t especially efficient, but I still learn as I go).
@discobot knows a few things, and I’ve actually found the tutorials pretty helpful for a lot of things. Poking around in Discourse Meta has been helpful for answering a few specific questions, but mostly it’s play and experimentation. Some things I’ve tried haven’t worked at all (and I understand why that would be the case), so then that just presents another problem to solve and another opportunity for learning.
Finally did this. Reduced a frequent 5-step down to one. Thanks!
Also, this might come in handy for someone. If you specify a comment number greater than that of the last comment in a thread it will take you to the last comment.
When I remember to use what I’ve put there, I find that it’s a convenience and saves some time. I’ve still been tweaking mine, making it easier to find things quickly by selecting different icons on the left and also adding emoji to some link names for color. I sometimes throw in a relevant Unicode character as a cue to myself, too. For instance, one of the links I use to quickly go back through announcement topics (like to find one for a firmware update or product launch) is this:
#News (⭣created)
I should’ve mentioned in my previous examples that https://forums.wyze.com can be left out for in-Forum links, because the platform will fill in the base URL. For off-site links (e.g., https://go.wyze.com/help), the full URL is obviously necessary.
I haven’t had a use for something like that, but that’s cool to know in case I need it later. Thanks!