Unexplained light

Can I get permission to upload a video of unexplained light captured in my mother’s house? I’m sure there’s a scientific explanation.

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Yep, please post your video. :+1:


I have no idea, but that’s creepy. :anguished:

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Smoke detector over there?.. it could be a very small light like a motion detector sensor going off… is there any sound? What other small appliances are in that area, even an electric toothbrush…?

No it’s a kitchen; there’s a refrigerator, stove, toaster oven, and microwave in that area. My mother and her aide are sleeping upstairs at this time. I saw another video on YouTube from a Wyze camera with a similar pattern.

This is the YouTube link; if it doesn’t work the vide is called ‘unexplained light appears on ceiling’

Maybe someone left an iPhone or iPad on the kitchen counter. A notification will activate the proximity/Face ID sensor (IR).

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Put another wyze cam in another location pointing at the same place.

Turn sensitive to max.

Also turn on sound detection.

There is only one possible answer


Guys it’s a phone. It’s the flood IR to scam your face. If not a phone then another smart device that is trying to scan face