Hi Peeps,
I’m lucky enough to have family in the states, but i live in the UK where Wyze doesn’t sell their products. I have some wyze cameras that i’ve been using for some years, but the closest thing that you used to get, was the wyze cam v2 branded as a NeosCam. It’s exactly the same hardware, but a different app and interface.
Neos cam, who must have sold a bunch of these cameras and probably the same sensors etc that Wyze does, went bust a month or two back - which essentially bricked all the hardware that they sold over 7 or so years.
You can flash the firmware of these Neos cams with Wyze firmware, but the camera’s serial numbers or MAC addresses do not pass Wyze’s authentication, so it fails to add them in the Wyze app.
My ask is this: that Wyze allows users of this old identical hardware to pay a nominal sum to add their serial numbers (or whatever it looks at to authenticate) to their LIST so that all these (probably thousands) of cameras can be used instead of thrown away.
Its more of an environmental issue, for me, having ten or fifteen of these cameras, that are now landfill bound. Wyze could make some money from it too.
I’ve tried posting this in the wishlist section but my account is new, so it won’t let me. MAYBE A MODERATOR could repost, or something, so this gets into the right hands?
Thanks in advance. I don’t have the free time to participate here (kids, work, busy life etc) but thought it worth asking/suggesting.