Typo in pop up for Doorbell Pro

I guess the word from the other topic is to report it to Wyze Support:

I’ve done some of that in the past, but I think when I notice these going forward I’ll probably do this (which may be overkill, but at least I’ll feel like I’ve done my part to get something corrected):

  1. Submit a log from the app when I see this sort of thing.
  2. Follow-up the log by opening a ticket with Support (which Wyze’s system is going to prompt me to do after I submit a log anyway).
  3. Post here on the Forum in the Wyze App category using the bug tag as you did, but include the log and ticket #s in the post.
  4. Use the :bookmark: Bookmark tool (or my calendar, if I don’t plan to visit the Forum routinely) to set a follow-up reminder so that if/when the bug/typo is remediated, I can ask the Moderators to close the topic.

I should probably do those very things with the fix-it-friday bugs I mentioned earlier…. :thinking:

:pencil2: Edit: I added step #4 above :point_up: as a reminder to myself to follow-up on these things and tie up loose ends, hopefully making the process more complete.

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