Looking for any help I can get as tech support can’t seem to figure this out. My auto-unlock doesn’t seem to be functioning properly. I leave the geofence, come back home, approach the door, nothing and I am forced to use my keypad (thank goodness we ordered that too). Now, if I go in through the garage, when I get to my basement I can hear the lock unlock and I get the notification that the auto-unlock feature triggered. I got the lock around black friday and have been able to use the auto-unlock feature properly, twice. Willing to try anything to get this to work.
Pixel 3XL with latest version Wyze (Beta) app
Raised Ranch
I have tried everything that I could find on this and Nothing has helped. I’m using the beta app which was supposed to work better with the auto-unlock but made no difference. Checked everything like Bluetooth on, Wyze app having all permissions, Geo-fence active showing proper location. Even if I could get this to work 80% of the time it would not be satisfactory as you couldn’t depend on it when carrying an arm full and needing it to work. Wyze has moved on from support and any improvements to the Wyze lock with selling everything from vacuums to outdoor plugs and headphones etc. Just be thankful you got the keypad and give up on auto-unlock feature which should have never been releast as it is.
Honestly, I came to the conclusion that this “feature” was the Lock’s equivalent of the supposed “motion-tracking” for the Pan. Neither function remotely close to the claim and still are not fixed with no solution anywhere in sight.
That was one of the many inconsistencies/flaws that I had with my lock that ended up prompting me to return it and go back to my August.
Yeah, this feature is why I chose the lock 2 years ago. It is morally REPREHENSIBLE that WYZE would promote AutoUnlock as a feature of that device, isn’t it! Well, I guess the feature is THERE. Maybe legally it dosen’t have to work well to be included in the product… but it sure makes a difference to me!
I’ve checked in a few times a year to see if they have addressed this issue, but I don’t think WYZE really cares about features in a product that is really not their focus- cameras and alarms. Ring, who I bought the rest of my alarm from, (and is far from an excellent system itself) doesn’t even make a deadbolt! The only lock closely integrated to it is that overpriced and overrated Schlage.
The WYZE integrates with my Alexa, as does the Ring system. This seems to work fine for 70% of what I’d like to see the lock do. I’m still disappointed with it, I expected the advertised features to WORK, too! It is also disappointing that WYZE goes and opens up a whole electronics shop of products! (Are the features in each of those about 70% implemented?
It would be interesting to see how a member of Customer Service would defend this. WYZEguys, you there?
It simply doesn’t work - I’ve had it work once or twice, but 95% of the time nothing. This is after changing batteries, confirming location and bluetooth, making sure I’m not on the lock page, and everything else,. Given that Wyze has completely moved away from caring about support (they don’t even respond to support@wyze.,com anymore!), it’s clear that this will never be fixed. Writing here doesn’t do anything, since they already have our money – if this doesn’t get addressed shortly, then I’m going to the consumer electronics press and describing the dysfunction there instead.