@TomG Your friend cam to visit , must be hiding from the drone.
That’s a big fella. Given the smells around here, they don’t make it to that size and often find their fate under tires.
Haven’t seen any stinky critters lately.
This might be why
Patrolling it’s area. Have you ever seen more than one at a time?
Might not:
Skunks have predators, including:
- Birds of prey: Large birds of prey like eagles, hawks, and great horned owls are predators of skunks. Great horned owls are the skunk’s only regular predator because they are not deterred by the skunk’s spray.
- Mammals: Coyotes, foxes, bobcats, badgers, and cougars are predators of skunks.However, most predators seldom attack skunks because they fear being sprayed.
Not in our back yard but my wife and I saw three in a field about 2 miles away.
He’s kind of an inverse MFP…except fat.
That feller gets fed good.
Does that mean MFP smells like a of ?
MFP is more like a ninja and rose smells would give him away. He’s odorless…or blends in with his surroundings.
So does MFP. The other day I got some turkey breast from a local Deli that they cook in the store. I didn’t like it because it was cut to thick and it was dry so I decided to donate it to Weeds & Water. I cut it up into smaller pieces and put half of it out there, a little over 1/4 pound. About 9 minutes MFP showed up and ate every piece and created a lot of event videos.
I think better name would be Trash & Water as none of the patrons eat weeds