Wile E. Coyote comes to visit

Looking for critter snacks I think. We really need to stop this captured by :poop: at the end off all the downloaded cloud videos, the last 3 or 4 seconds.


That looks like a fox to me :thinking:


The only place I have ever seen a Fox here was on the Golf Course. I have another video someplace of a Coyote walking up the same walk when it was lighter outdoors.

The tail is way to long and bushy for a coyote, also looks the legs a shorter as in a fox, not as in a coyote.


I’ll use MFP for bait by the front door and try to record a color version. :laughing:

@habib , I think you are correct, maybe it is a Gray Fox. I t has the same black stripe on the tail.


(S)he just needs better directions to the diner.


That was my thought watching this, too.

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Couldn’t fit under the gate like the other critters to go to Weeds & Water but now there is a bigger hole under the front West side fence. :flushed:

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Good to see you don’t discriminate.

I don’t need to feed coyotes because they find their own food around my house. (This video was originally posted here a year and a half ago).


That’s what I thought too.

This guy was at the door yelling:

“Hi, I have an interview with a Mr. Fancy Pants about being a bouncer for some kind of start-up…does anyone know where I go for the interview?”

MFP might regret that hire. :black_cat: + :fox_face: = :yum:

Heresy! Foxes are no match for MFPs
This is how scared MFP was of the last few foxes he met:

The foxes were the ones regretting it.


:laughing: I’ll give MFP a good :chicken: bone with white meat tonight and ask him if it taste like FOX .

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I love when I’m right :rofl: I can never win with my wife :rofl:


I agree with @carverofchoice , foxes are not fighters and are not much bigger than cats.

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Being right 10% of the time is better than ZERO %. :laughing:
