So, received my Wyze Outdoor Cam starter bundle today, and was very excited to get it installed. Setup went smooth (in house), went outside to check range, everything seemed fine. Mounted the cam, and opened the app only to find it not connected.
So I went outside, took the cam down, and noticed the light isn’t on. Restarted the cam, connected just fine, put it back on the mount, went inside and bam…no connection. It appears every time I “close” the app the connection forfeits. Is this a range issue? The cam is only about 30 feet from the base.
I find it terribly frustrating that I have a $500 wireless mesh system in my house, but the Outdoor cam needs to connect to a WIRED base unit. This means, without multiple Ethernet jacks at locations close to the outdoor installation locations, the camera’s appear to be useless. Aside from purchasing range extenders and planting base units all over the house, is there any way to deal with this issue? I’m shocked, as the range is estimated to be about 60 feet from the reviews…yet only 30 ft from the wired base the camera won’t connect. Unreal…