Tinycam issue with camera not showing as active

My 5 devices are working fine but 2 out of 5 are not showing on Tinycam pro . Have done the same configuration . Registered all with wyze login ." wyzecam v1 are not showing as active How can i connect to Tinycam support or there is a solution which may help

[Mod Edit] Changed topic category and edited title for brevity.

When did they stop working? Was it by chance after you added a new device to the Wyze app?

If so, it is likely you set up your cams using “Channels” instead of the newer “Camera UID” option. This means that when you added a new device to your account, it shifted the channel numbers on the Wyze server and now you need to go edit that in the Tiny Cam App.

It might be easier to just delete the cameras not working and set them up again, this time with the Camera UID.

A lot of people will post on their subreddit here:

Or the google play app links to their website which says the Contact email is: info@tinysolutionsllc.com

Hopefully you figure it out. :+1:


Hope so meone can guide me or how can i connect Tinycam pro

Continuing the discussion from Tinycam issue with camera not showing as active:

Thank you for your reply . I have been using Tinycam pro for over 8 years as i was one of the early customer who bought Wyzecm and wyze pan version 1 . Has worked fine . About 3 months ago i had a issue with my internet provider as the speed was very low . I normally had 1000/1000 but there 3 months the speed was only 100/100 . Which made my Smartthings and wyze Alexa and my heating system and A/C and solar panels . Nearly everything was disconnected and Wyze had blocked me for 3 months . I got the whole system changed and have a very nice Asus Mesh system with a speed of 1000/1000 and most of the devices are connected on 2,4 wifi which was earlier . I got the cameras activated and also took the subscription of multi cameras . Thewse cameras are working fine and I have followed the adding the cameras on my Tinycam pro app . I have followed the setup instructions and the tinycam is activated and connected to my Wyze login . I dont know if i can send a screen shot but on my tinycam pro app when i go to Manage Cameras I have the following issue When all camera details are done I normally do a Check (Not Checked )Here i get Protocol Cloud with details and then the chanel number . The third one Advance info P2P mode are details of the camera details and all the cameras mac address . 3 cameras are showing this and these 3 are the ones active on Tinycam pro . When i go on the last 2 cameras and do a camera check i get only the Protocol details and no other details Advance info is blank . I dont know where the Error is as these 2 are fully active on the wyze cloud storage .