This squirrel took down my camara

This squirrel took down my camara for some reson

I put a battery powered WCO version 1 cam on my fence runner once and a red squirrel took it out in less than five minutes. Evil creatures. :laughing:

This is the video


He was just adjusting the field of view for you. :rofl: Looks like the day/night shutter changed everything to purple also. You could have added the video to your original post, just tap the pencil on any of your post and you can add to, change or remove anything you want.

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Squirrel knocked your IR filter on during the daytime (hence the pink/purple tint). You can fix that by turning the IR setting on and off again btw.

Gotta love the little curious critters.

(Edit: Antonius beat me to it)



Squirrels understand technology must better than we do. Couple that with @TomG’s actual pics, and it is just better to stay indoors, lol.

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I put one on a feeder I built filled with peanuts and I kept seeing a squirrel on top of it even though I built it to be squirrel proof. Come to find out he’s jumping from my house going full Superman lol


Is anything Squirrel Proof? I have a backyard full of red squirrels and they use my fence runners for their freeway. Sometimes I just watch them in the two oak trees and even in my black walnut trees. They do some amazing climbing and jumping between trees and branches. "NO FEAR: :rofl:


I’d say more like Rocky J.


Stumbled onto this thread. Glad I found it. :+1::chipmunk:

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