Thermostat runs heat, no AC or fan

Installed the Wyze thermostat a couple weeks ago. Needed to use the included c adapter due to my existing c wire not having the voltage needed to run the thermostat. (You would hear it intermittently click but not turn on.) It runs the furnace perfectly fine though if I try to switch on the AC or blower fan independently I get no response.

Digging around I can’t seem to find a solution that I’ve been able to translate to my particular case. Perhaps my Google-fu has failed me but after a couple weeks, temps are starting to get warm enough that I’m going to need my AC soon.

Hopefully I’ve managed to attach the pics of the original wiring and the new wiring. If the resolution isn’t good enough I can upload them individually.

Any advice to successfully get it up and running is appreciated.

you need to find the splice point where the thermostat wiring is spliced to the AC wiring and connect the C adapter there. You’ve interrupted the AC wiring with your current setup.

To clarify, you’re looking for the junction between the other end of these wires


and the other end of these wires.

Follow the brown sheathed wire out of the furnace if you can.


Looks like I’m climbing in my attic to see what I can find this weekend then

That was what I needed. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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