Thermostat - NO manual fan - Any ideas?

What do you have the Fan Activation Delay set to?

After the change in the one setting triggered a manual fan…

I’ve been playing with this from the default ( I think, I don’t remember setting this) 15s to by furnace… and now…

Appears if I NOW HIT Controls, FAN, ON… It comes on!! Seems to be a very large delay to get this to happen…

I could post the wiring, but I don’t think its an issue now with these results… AC gets cold air & fan, heat in the heat test gets hot air and fan…

So I think at least in my case there seems to be a huge delay in hitting the control to toggle fan off/auto manual on…

Are others getting this big delay…


I think that activation delay may have been the issue… 15s + the delay which appears to be about another 5-10secods…

HMMMM… Not ideal… but working…

So unless there is solution to this delay… I can live with it an few of the other foibles like the temp rounding… which I figured was happening, but alexa told on you! :slight_smile: She gives the temp with the decimal… which the display is rounding UP… I can live with it…

So unless there is a way to shorten that delay… I guess there is not issue … it was just a tweak in the settings… THANKS.