I’ve installed the Thermostat, all test completed, all works… AC runs, and cool air, Heat test was done, and heat works. I am in a warm climate so heat is only used a few times maybe in January…
I am NOT using the C Wire adapter I have a C wire (I used a spare wire in the cable since for unknown reasons even though the C wire is connected to the cable its bad on the TSTAT end, I have no idea… and disconnecting that wire from the controller means no AC??? I am NOT an HVAC guy… so this makes no sense to me… TSTAT cable is for TSTAT… I don’t think that this matters… I have a SEPARATE C WIRE run, and NO ADAPTER IN USE, I think is the key part of this. Just FYI for full details/disclosure.)
The OLD TSTAT had manual fan control, and it worked
I JUMPERED the R[Rc] wire to G and the FAN COMES ON from the TSTAT SIDE. So its not the wiring.
If I use the application from phone or tablet, the fan in manual mode does not come on.
AC/HEAT fan does work.
This is my only glitch and I’d really like to solve it, to be 100% v. the 98% right now.
Thanks for any insights.
Just to be clear, the fan works when the heat or AC comes on, just not manually triggered.
Note: I am not an HVAC person, but this is my settings as my fan is always on, slower speed until heat or ac is called for.
The image on the left appears when you tap on controls at the bottom of the T-Stat Screen. I set my Fan to On. Have you tried this?
The Second Image is in the Advanced Settings area. I set my Fan Activation Delay to “By Furnace”, I want my furnace to control the fan and speed. There is also a setting, below the Fan Activation called Fan Cycle, this is how often you want the fan to run per hour. I set mine to 0 because I have mine running all the time.
Just a few things to check.
@speadie , anything else you may know of?
Just to be clear, the fan works when the heat or AC comes on, just not manually >triggered.
Correct, HEAT or AC fan comes on… or I would already be trashing it.
The image on the left appears when you tap on controls at the bottom of the T-Stat >Screen. I set my Fan to On. Have you tried this?
Via the software on a phone or tablet (all android) under controls hit the fan to ON, NOTHING happens.
I jumped the wires for Rc[R] to G to activate it the way the TSTAT would on the TSTAT side, FAN COMES ON.
Just will not come on in the software.
If I ask Alexa she states “Thermostat doesn’t support that.” Don’t know if thats just the alexa interface doesn’t support it or ???
OK… heres a new wrinkle…
If I change the Fan Cycle setting from 0 to 10m/hr
Wait for it…
Wait for it…
So ummm??? Who is not talking to each other???
What do you have the Fan Activation Delay set to?
Can you also post a picture of your wire setup for the T-Stat and the HVAC
What do you have the Fan Activation Delay set to?
After the change in the one setting triggered a manual fan…
I’ve been playing with this from the default ( I think, I don’t remember setting this) 15s to by furnace… and now…
Appears if I NOW HIT Controls, FAN, ON… It comes on!! Seems to be a very large delay to get this to happen…
I could post the wiring, but I don’t think its an issue now with these results… AC gets cold air & fan, heat in the heat test gets hot air and fan…
So I think at least in my case there seems to be a huge delay in hitting the control to toggle fan off/auto manual on…
Are others getting this big delay…
I think that activation delay may have been the issue… 15s + the delay which appears to be about another 5-10secods…
HMMMM… Not ideal… but working…
So unless there is solution to this delay… I can live with it an few of the other foibles like the temp rounding… which I figured was happening, but alexa told on you! She gives the temp with the decimal… which the display is rounding UP… I can live with it…
So unless there is a way to shorten that delay… I guess there is not issue … it was just a tweak in the settings… THANKS.
Here is another one…
When I turn on the fan manually it turns on the compressor in my condenser outside. No fan.
show your old thermostat wiring, your wyze thermostat wiring, and your furnace/air handler wiring.
I am on my phone and don’t know how to put pictures on this format. I am old.
The original wiring was a 4 wire config. I replaced the wires with a 5 wire to accommodate the common.
Still need to see the furnace or air handler side of the wires.
furnace with 5 wire.
The 1st pic of the old t-stat shows a blue wire but it was white at the furnace.
The fan works fine with heat and A/C just not in manual mode.
During setup, did you tell the wyze that your old thermostat had the following wires: W1, Rc, G, C, Y1? or did you tell it that it had W1, Rc, G, Y1? If the former, then I’m not sure why manual fan isn’t working, if the latter, then it is expecting to see the c adapter and is not signalling on G, therefore you should reset it and tell it that your “old” thermostat has the following wires during setup:W1, Rc, G, C, Y1