A mounting plate for Wyze Thermostat that looks like the one in the marketing and detail photos. ie. Not be required to use the HUGE mounting plate that any wife will veto.
[Mod Note] Added plate to title.
A mounting plate for Wyze Thermostat that looks like the one in the marketing and detail photos. ie. Not be required to use the HUGE mounting plate that any wife will veto.
[Mod Note] Added plate to title.
I installed mine without the mounting plate. Loved the slick look of just the thermostat on the wall.
You don’t need the whole mounting plate. The center part comes out and can be used alone. The large surrounding plate is if you need want it or need to cover screw holes, etc.
The mounting plate does separate from the trim plate. You should be able to pull the piece with the wire terminals off of the trim back plate.
Further info here…
Thank you all. First, I was wrong and I owe an apology. Your help allowed me to free the wall cover from the wall plate. Second, it isn’t designed how I thought…it was designed BETTER.
Forum Maven, please feel free to edit my original post. I do not want to be spreading bad information. Thank you all again.
Glad to help straighten things out. You can edit a response and add it to your above post, or You can tag either my post or you update with as the “solution” tag and it’ll update the first post with the update info if yours like (I believe wishlist items still have that). Another solution is to lock this thread I’d you’d like. I’ll tag in the @Mods squad and they can help with the editing part.
Thanks to everyone for their help and advice here in answering this issue! I’m moving this to #ask-the-community, since there is no real product or service request.
But great work in presenting a potential issue and answer!