I’m trying to decide on the wyze or nest thermostat. I have read all the post about the wyze. I have there cameras and wanted to stay within the same system ecosystem. Guess my main question is this. I live in the south and temps change in the fall from cold the hot. With all this issues I’m reading this product seems to have issues with working in auto range. In the summer I set to 78 and winter at 68. Anyone see an issue with this working?
Also I see all the post but nothing from wyze on a reply. Are they looking into any of the changes or is this a site they put up just so they give the impression they are listening?
I’m still in the air on which to get but have a couple months before I pick.
I live in the desert, which means daytime highs of around 110 in summer and 60s in winter. My thermostat’s auto settings for the past couple of years (I was an early adopter) have been 68 and 75 and that hasn’t been a problem.
Thanks Vincent for the reply. Although I think it my work, I’ve decided to start transitioning to the Google ecosystem. Between issues with the thermostat and the doorbell, it’s starting to raise to many flags regarding the Google integration. I use Google Chromecast and Pixel phone. I’ve always been a supporter of Google products. Wyze appeared to be a viable option since they claimed Google integration but now im finding alot of issues with this integration actually working.
You could also just modify the minimum split. Lowering it to be a 3 degree difference. 5 is a large range, Add on the fact you can only set a .5 degree allowance, it effectively a 6 degree differential. I do understand its not efficient to make those too narrow and could even damage the unit if it doesn’t have short cycle protection…just add a check box acknowledging the risk and let the user do what they want. I would love to be able to set my home to maintain 69 to 72 degrees.
Every six months I am surprised to find Wyze still hasn’t fixed the awful mistake of five degrees differential on auto. It is absurd that you artificially block me from setting it to “between 69 and 72”. Is this some political statement? Do the people in charge only live in the tropics or arctic?
I have purchased dozens of Wyze devices. So much money, and you can resolve a basic issue like this? I’m out. I’ll transition to something that doesn’t handicap owners.