I think that’s reasonable. I think a reasonable follow-up question is this: How do you clearly and completely revoke any permissions you’ve previously granted and continue to use both accounts (Wyze and Amazon Alexa)? If this really is some sort of “ghost skill”, then maybe one way to really sever the ties between the two would be to create a new Wyze or Amazon account, log into the account, set up the appropriate device under the new account (i.e., set up the Duo Cam Doorbell if using a new Wyze account or set up the Echo Dot if using a new Alexa account), and test again. I would expect that to solve the problem, though it doesn’t really answer the question, and it might be more effort than you want to expend.
Perhaps install the skill, link the doorbell, then unlink, disable, uninstall, etc. If it is some “ghost” linkage that is still there, hopefully that clears it out.
I’ve never linked a wyze device to alexa but I’d also check in the wyze app and/or your wyze account online to see if there is some linkage there that you’re not aware of, left over from before?
So, like, toggle something on so that you can be intentional about toggling it off with the thinking that that might actually clear it? Seems easy and worth a shot.
Toggling it on (intentionally linking Wyze and Amazon Alexa) should at least accomplish one of @cdznutts’s goals:
Works more often than you might think, assuming something linked it in the first place, and the unlink never got sent/received. Sometimes uninstalling an app without disabling or clearing something will cause this, and the only way to fix it is to reinstall it, do what you needed to do, then remove it again.
I’d still be curious if there is some linkage in the Wyze ecosystem rather than in Amazon though. Something in the app or the online account perhaps.
We know they’ve used various 3rd parties for the connection between Wyze and Amazon (and with newer devices appear to be doing it on the backend of AWS since the newer cams don’t connect directly to those 3rd parties that I’ve seen). So it is possible one of those old 3rd party links is there from a previous device and is still forwarding stuff along.
@crease @cdznutts here is a for instance
You have an account with a Wyze cam in it. You set an automation to turn the siren on every night at 10PM for 5 minutes.
Someone sets up a guest account and you share that cam with them.
You uninstall the Wyze app. Wyze doesn’t care because your account is still active, and that automation is stored on their servers.
Shared user doesn’t want the alarm going off. The only way to disable/delete that automation is for you to reinstall the app and do it there. They can’t even see the automation, nor can you see it in your wyze account, it is now a “ghost” of sorts.
Take it one step further, if you delete your wyze account, does it disable the camera and remove the automation? Maybe, maybe not. Depends on coding and if there are any glitches.
If there is no linkage that is being missed here (in the wyze app or account etc) then I suspect that may be what is going on here, some old link that was set up was never disabled but the skill or app was uninstalled or a different account started being used, etc. Or maybe a shared account that uses the same Alexa devices has a link that OP can’t see, etc.
Apologies if this has been asked before but do you and your wife have separate Amazon accounts tied to this echo Dot?
If you look on her phone does she have the Alexa app associated with Wyze?
I’ve had a unrelated issue where I setup Google speakers at my grams using my account. When I’d play music it would resume her gospel music or randomly keep turning off because my Spotify can only play on one device .
Yeah that’s one of the things I was thinking, could be linked in some other account.
I am the only one with the alexa app on my phone. We have a family amazon account. She’s not savvy (nor interested) on any of these integrations, automations, or anything like that. She’s just good at shopping on amazon. especially right now. “tis the season”
But she tolerates your persistent troubleshooting!
Have there been any different accounts in the past, or maybe shared users that no longer use it, etc?
We’re looking for something old that may be “stuck” somewhere. But in the meantime, I’d try installing and enabling the skill, link and set it up, then disable/unlink/uninstall. Maybe that will be enough to clear out whatever is there.
With the work week here and long hours, in addition to still messing with the doorbell chime, I haven’t had a whole lot of time to test this until today. I left it as-is, since we all chatted about this a couple days ago. I did not add/enable the wyze alexa app skill on my phone as suggested ‘for science’. I did not “link alexa” within the wyze app ‘for science’. I just didn’t have time to mess with it. I left it with communications toggled on, announcments ‘enabled’, in the alexa app as pictured way up above on this thread. Didn’t touch or try to trigger the doorbell until tonight. Delivery people dropping off packages don’t even ring the doorbell anymore.
After ringing the doorbell today, when I got home from work, alexa-the echo dot - no longer chimes in. WTH?! …a couple of days ago, this past weekend while on here with you fine folks, I was able to toggle the announcements on and off in the alexa app which had a direct effect on the echo dot’s doorbell notification (from the audio clip above).
Now, no matter how I toggle the communications or announcement toggle switches in the alexa app, the echo dot no longer triggers from the DCD.
Strange… …hmmm… like something or someone was monitoring this forum, this chat and scurried away to go ‘fix’ it before the word gets out. A bit conspiracy-theory-ish. Buuut, bad PR in this field with so much competition is pretty rough. Just sayin’
I did notice this though:
I toggle this or that, on or off, doesn’t matter, then I press sync. It thinks about it, then says there are “no devices to sync with”
This didn’t do that before. Anytime I synced, it would think about it, then take me back to the communications page where the toggles are like it worked or something. I don’t know. I didn’t really pay attention because nothing stood out as not working since things were already not working at that time.
Well, now things really aren’t working. So, it’s fair to assume that whatever monkey (or person) in the system ‘fixed’ this problem, after they saw a good conversation about it here, if I wanted the echo dot to notify me again that someone rang the doorbell I will have to link the wyze app or link the alexa app, or both. In theory, it should be both.
I’ll let this marinate until this weekend and see if anything changes, as things seems to do with this Wyze stuff, in my experience anyways. Because just letting my doorbell chime sit after wiring up the chime controller seems to have fixed itself after a couple of days of not touching it at all. But, that’s for a different thread.
Without posting your MAC address or at least your login ID, nobody could have done anything
I’d say take it a step further, get the device added to alexa/wyze apps, everything linked so when you toggle it on and off it does what you expect. Then from there you can decide if you want to shut it off, unlink, delete, disable, etc or not.
I think once I’m on a small winter break vacation - I may try that,
Very strange that it only got noticed once the new duo cam got installed. The original wyze doorbell, that I removed, with the same echo dot did not notify us.
Thanks for ‘chiming’ in.