Terrible detection firmware

I have two v3 cameras side by side. Sometimes one cameras records movement, then sometimes the other one. Rarely both at the same time. Both have the latest firmware and pointing in the same direction.

Why is that?

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Just testing as I’ve seen this problem before and needed to be sure that each camera works properly. They don’t and are inconsistent.

Further, I spoke to tech “support” and although we are told that they only record with a 5 minute “cool down,” they work all of the time, if you have a paid subscription.

More marketing nonsense.

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I agree. Both should record in theory. I encounter the same issue occasionally. I do overlap my cams for that reason. I don’t believe in subscriptions.

Maybe someone will chime in with a better perspective.

You can try to go into each camera, scroll down to the bottom, and click “Reset Services”. Wait about 15 min and then reboot each camera.

I’m not sure what you mean by “marketing non-sense” but that’s how the camera’s work without a subscription. It will grab a 12-second event and then wait 5 min before it logs another event.

With the subscription, it will record EVERY event, using a 5-min long clip and do it back-to-back-to-back.

The subscription is to pay for cloud space and AI processing. Not non-sense, it’s the cost of things.

Put SD cards in the cameras and set to continuous recording. :upside_down_face:

Yes, I’ve done that. I just want the cameras to work as they are supposed to. They don’t.

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I understand that, but I didn’t know that the 5 minute “cool down” was marketing hype and not the truth. It’s a way ot pushing the buyer into the services.

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If you want the 5 minute cool down, you can have it, it is free and included. If you want to eliminate it, then you have to subscribe. There are other features that are paid as well. They’re pretty clear about that on their site.

Note the “cool down” is only for events/notifications. Recording can be non-stop or every time motion is detected (you can choose which you want in the app). There is no 5 minute cooldown with SD recording.

It’s still marketing hype since non-stop recording uses a lot more energy than just a 10 second snippet with a message to the app. And cool down implies that the camera must cool down after a short recording/notification. I suspect that, with a subscription, it will record longer events and send non-stop notifications. So “cool down” is not a good name for “subscribe for more.”

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Well you’re the first I’ve seen that doesn’t want the ability to record more frequently than once every 5 minutes.

If that’s what you want, then just always use the events tab to view videos (by clicking the sd card button on an event). There will be a max of one every 5 minutes there. Any recordings that happen between that time will only be shown on the SD card view, won’t have an event icon on them, and you can ignore them.

These cams use very little energy, on average a few watts. And the vast majority of that is to run the image sensor which is always on whether there is motion or not (it uses the image to determine motion, there isn’t a separate motion sensor). Writing to SD uses hardly any extra, not enough to amount to any more than a few cents a year or a couple minutes less on battery.

As far as calling it “cool down” I’m sure no matter what phrase they picked someone could take issue with it. I never interpreted it to mean the cam literally has to cool off, it was always clear to me (and as far as I know, most others) what it meant.

I do want to record without a fake “cooldown” and didn’t know that this was marketing hype until I spoke to Wyze about a “spotlight” that didn’t work. I’m on the third one, since the first two didn’t work.

So it’s just marketing.

You can record 24x7 with SD card, or eliminate the cooldown with a paid subscription (I just got an offer for $15 for a year for one cam, they frequently run deals). I run good SD cards 24x7 and it serves my purposes fine, no subscription needed. But if you want AI filtering to reduce false detections, or the convenience of having event clips for every event, the subscription will provide that.

The “cooldown” is not marketing, they aren’t trying to make it sound like a good thing, it is a warning that without subscription, you can’t get more than one event ever 5 minutes. Eliminating it is a benefit of subscribing, that’s the only place I’ve seen it used, is to convince you to subscribe (elimination of 5 minute cooldown period).