I had 4 problems that I opened a ticket for.
- my “upgrade” to unlimited only recorded 12 second videos on most of my cameras ( not all)
- no Playback button on my OG’s or V4’s ( V3 does have it and it works)
- on my doorbell, a parked vehicle ( 40 feet away) is detected a couple times a minute around the same time everyday ( the position of the sun) even though its NOT in my detection zone and I have vehicle removed from smart detection
- how do I remove a camera from the unlimited plan ( no options for this in the camera list)
I recieved a fast Response from “Rodel” with the usual cut and paste. stating
1st - I CAN NOT remove any cameras from the unlimited plan, All cameras are automaticaly added to it and can not be removed. However dont worry, I can just cancel my new plan without a refund!! — what kind of scam is that? NO choice its all or nothing and they keep my money regardless, I asked where that was stated on thewebsite and even sent a screen shot showing the differences page between my old plan (I COULD remve/add ther) and new. its Not shown there - Never heard back on this issue again
2nd Send in logs for EACH of the cameras with the 12 second limitation and the other engineer team, who he has no access to, will review it for future research. – I did but how does this fix my problem then? it doesnt.
3rd Ummm no 3rd thats all he addressed with his 1st cut paste
OK now to shorten the rest a lot, a few more emails back and forth with more cut pastes responses ( I will admit, thre replys were quick a couple a day over a couple days) - Basicly no Fixes for anything when I finally asked for a non cut/paste response I recieved a message about the playbak as follows “Just so you know, the Playback Feature is only available with an SD card.” - that sounded a little rude to me, but maybe I read it wrong ( I let him know they had cads and I had formatted them a couple time and they did fill back up) - he also asked AGAIN for the logs for the vehicle and again stated its goes to engineers and he has no access ect… I stated I already did that and had also sent it to him, Finally a reply that said he had done all he could ( which was nothing ) and closed the case - i replied to that a few times as I need things fixed, but get NO resposes any more.
SO support , especially " RODEL" is awful especially selling a $100 service that is NOT working and is FORCED to be all or nothing for camera choices (but we get your money!! hahahaha )